Comment to 'Suddenly, Moon is INSIDE Earth's Atmosphere!! '
  • Important information even if indeed should be easily understandable and acceptable.


    The moon is considered a satellite and a unique one at that, like a sister planet. In order for it to remain in orbit around the earth it stands to reason that it is under Earth's influence, and its atmosphere partakes to that.


    The same goes for all astral and physical bodies that are within the system of "Sol", a name of our solar system. Just like the moon can't simply free itself of this influence the scientists seem to now notice, no body physical or astral never simply checks out of Sol.


    There is still much to be revealed about the concept of such influence, atmosphere, gravitation, etc... and how the entire universe is interconnected by the interplays or better said relationships or even affiliations yet to be uncovered as immutable forces/ spheres of influence. And, also the ones between this universe and others beyond, as well as their individual, regional, and cosmic interconnectedness to adjacent and related other dimensions.