Comment to 'Affection or Food?'
  • Food is the object and affection is the sense.

    Because humans have an evolved intellect and a higher sense of self, they are also liable for distorted experiences, particularly once emotions are in the mix.

    In the case of Ted Bundy and other notorious serial killers, the killer instinct is the sense, but the human experience provides a tinted perception of the killings. Ferocious killer animals have the same sense as a prominent trait.

    The need that is real IMO is also instinctive, so are both affection and food, with affection being more of an experiential appreciation, and the need for food a basic instinct.

    The video is interesting because the baby macaque seems to be reciprocating the affection the same way it would to its own mother. It is allowing affection/ proximity to the human in order to get fed, which is reasonable. 

    Along with responsibility in the rearing of progeny, for humans, there is pleasure in sexual activity, the medium of reproduction. It is usually underestimated that the animal form does not experience such pleasure and that they are just a manifestation of nature, but somehow humans are not. In such a way it cannot be appreciated that the natural pacing of their reproductive phases is just a manner of the biological clock as much as we humans have biological cycles.

    And, they too experience other pleasures of life in particular that which contributes to survival. Reproduction is also part of survival. All species feel the urge to reproduce away from the subtle paradigm into the grosser relatively more predictable one. That energy in that urge can be interpreted as potential pleasure.

    The line can get blurred.