Comment to 'For Xi-Jinping no more pong?!'
  • Back to having the Emperor of China.

    Mao Tse Tung got rid of the last emperor but only to put himself in place as the new one under the title of Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party. It is natural that they will try to return to this emperor system because it has the advantage of being stable, if only it is stable in having one mad man rule where people are certain what will happen according to that person's sanity or insanity.

    There is a method to every kind of madness!

    Next step for China is world conquest, something they missed out on because the Europeans got ahead of the game during the conquest of the New World. China is currently setting up the foundation for that control of the world. They will do it by very subtle means. It is perhaps a fact that there is no other race on earth which is qualified to do this right now. Race here does not mean color of skin, it means history in terms of cultural development and civilization organisation. To get some idea one should study the life the Genghis Khan and also of the Ming dynasty.