Comment to 'Yogi’s Unresolved Issues'
  • LinkedIn Responses:


    • Pierre HANCE To me Michael, unresolved issue is how to meditae and its not an infant question A+

    • Caroline Barnes

      Caroline Barnes I agree, Michael, this is wisdom.

    • Patricia Black

      Patricia Black I think Swami Vivekananda said , " this world has always been a place of pain and suffering, you cannot help the world, you help yourself when you help the poor, help relieve suffering, you help yourself by helping others ."(the world).
      Maybe not an exact quote, but, his book Karma Yoga is all about participating in the world, yet giving up the fruits of you labor, doing masterful work, yet remaining unattached to the results, they are The Creators results...

    • Susan Hirst

      Susan Hirst Thank you Michael, this seems to be a very important point for me to take notice of. It's been my experience that the more I can just be patient and relaxed about student's issues that I cannot resolve, the more liberated I feel but learning to be loving and thoughtful in the face of such issues seems extra important. I have a friend who is having a hard time because another friend is going through a 'spiritual awakening' and not doing well at all and sometimes it's just a matter of 'hanging in there' Susan