Comment to 'Masturbation Reform Methods'
  • Yogi # 3

    The elimination of masturbation is difficult for a yogi who holds sex experience (orgasm) above spiritual development. The yogi must study the psyche as it relates to sexual desire to identify the real addiction(s). Looking back on my battle with masturbation, I was not addicted to pornography or women, I was addicted to the orgasmic experience which I was not aware is a kundalini rise bursting in the genitals. The greater the buildup via viewing pornography or intense foreplay with a woman, the greater the orgasm or kundalini burst. In fact, my favorite pornography was those that presented a storyline that mimicked a realistic buildup of a heterosexual sex encounter. I abhorred those videos that was just about the raw act of sex without a storyline. I would peruse many videos to find the perfect actress and storyline. Sometimes, I ended the session short of masturbating since I could not find a video that created heightened stimulation; I found the session pointless as I would not have been satisfied. At times, I ended the session disappointed since the orgasm/kundalini did not burst per my expectations. When I did not want to view an available pornographic video, I searched my psyche and replayed multiple experiences until I found the one that created the most intense sexual arousal that ofen led to an intense release. In all, the desire to view pornography or search the memory bank for specific past sexual experiences was linked to the desire for an intense orgasm or kundalini rise.

    It's been almost four (4) years since I viewed my last traditional pornographic video and masturbation is no longer a habit. While masturbation is no longer a habit, I have masturbated due to intense sexual energy from women due to association. As a yogi practices, it is normal to become sensitive to the sexual energy from others. My sensitivity was confirmed by multiple women whom I was able to extract a confession without alerting them to the fact that I was fully aware since the experience played out psychically. I now have a greater ability to sense this activity and pinpoint the woman with precision without masturbating, however, this is a difficult fete. I find that this flares up from association whether physically, psychically, or via any form of communication (telephone, social media, etc.). Whether the energy is coming from a partner using thoughts of you to self-pleasure or viewing of pornography, masturbation is a choice and the yogi must make the choice to break the habit.

    Before attempting to tackling masturbation, I recommend for a yogi to study when the desire for sex is prevalent. Are you always thinking about or desiring sex? Is your sex organ always aroused? Does an aroused penis precede thoughts of sex or is it that the thoughts precede the aroused penis? Why does the penis rise if there are no sexual desire in the psyche? Why is an arousal more pronounced when there are sexual thoughts in the psyche? Between arousal and no arousal, what state is the penis in most of the time? Where does the intense desire for sex come from if the penis is in a no arousal state most of the time? Let’s say the penis is in a state of arousal most of the time, what happens to that compelling desire for sex after an orgasm is reached via masturbation or sexual intercourse with a partner? Can you maintain the same level of sexual desire remain after orgasm? Is this desire for sex completely your desire and, if no, are you being remote controlled by a force that did not originate with you? If you are of the opinion that this desire originated with you, why do you question your actions after the fact? You know, the “Why did I fuck her? Why did I masturbate? Why can’t I stop this?” The fact that you are asking these questions suggests that you are not in complete control over your actions, since control suggests that you can stop any unwanted activity including masturbation. The yogi must study the psyche and ponder these questions when the psyche is free of sexual desire.

    Pondering these questions coupled with a strong desire to break the habit will be of great help; however, no process will work if one is addicted to viewing pornography. Practicing Kapalbathi & Bhrastrika pranayama to arouse and raise the kundalini energy will accelerate the process, but I imagine that this will be of little help if one does not curtail the urge to view pornography. I do not have any experience stopping masturbation while viewing pornography. My ability to break the habit came after I stopped viewing pornography. I must admit that while it was not hard to stop viewing pornography for a few months, it was difficult for me to stop. This difficulty is in the fact that pornography is easily accessible, and it is also easy for the mind to create images of past pornographic videos in the psyche which automatically reminds one of the intense orgasmic experiences. Let’s not forget we live in an environment where it seems tight and revealing is a woman’s go-to for fashion, so we are bombarded with sexually suggestive images.

    In all, you will have to do your best to ignore these images while you strive to gain the upper hand over the image creating mechanism (intellect) in the psyche. There will come a point in your practice where the CoreSelf (the atma) will have greater power to ignore, remove, or replace unwanted thoughts. The inSelf Yogi understands that the kundalini life force subverts the intellect in its need for pleasure and survival, so the images displayed in the mind geneally not for the CoreSelf’s best interest. In fact, most of the thoughts and images created by the intellect because of Kundalini’s influence works against the CoreSelf, hence the need to gain the upper hand. I recommend one to take a weaning off approach to truly tackle this addiction where one reduces the activity overtime. For example, when I practice Mantak Chia’s semen retention system, I released the semen once every week and then every other week. Depending on the addiction level, one may chose to masturbate once per week, biweekly, monthly, etc. Regardless of the schedule chosen, one should not view pornographic videos, but one is free to replay experiences from the memory bank. Also, one should not look forward to masturbating—one should fight to keep thoughts of masturbation out of the psyche. This practice will help develop some level of discipline with sexual energy which will eventually grow into an ability to end masturbation. I once thought that I was addicted to vagina, so I totally understand the difficulty in gaining the upper hand over this energy. Always keep in mind that a yogi’s striving to assert the Coreself’s (the atma’s) power over the other forces in the psyche requires some difficult lifestyle adjustments and ending the misuse of sexual energy via viewing pornography or casual sex is a BIG step in the right direction. The key is to strive, and no real progress will be achieved without it!

    Other Notes

    · A plethora of information exist that speaks to the power of the sexual energy. Author’s like Mantak Chia promotes the cultivation of the sexual energy. A key aspect of Mr. Chia’s system is the need to hold onto and not spill one’s semen. In fact, Mr. Chia teaches one how to experience multiple sexual orgasms and avoid ejaculating. I practiced his methods for a few years and gained a level of mastery that allowed me to reach sexual climax without ejaculating. While Mr. Chia is against the viewing of pornography when masturbating, I experienced many internally electrifying orgasms viewing porn during my practice of his techniques. I considered this a harmless practice since I was pleasuring myself and holding on to my semen. I was sold on the fact that I experienced multiple orgasms with energy gyrating inside my body with a foreign intensity. It was common for me to shake uncontrollable as the orgasm exploded internally. I would self-pleasure having multiple orgasms, go to the gym and lift nighty pound dumbbells with ease. Beyond the self-pleasing was the long sexual escapades when I was with a woman. I would have sex for hours and my partner would experience multiple orgasms and be amazed that I was having multiple orgasms, but no sperm escaped from my penis. My favorite sexual partner at the time was perplexed that I was always ready to go even after having an internal orgasm. I released the semen every seven days to ensure the body was properly producing new sperm. As you can imagine, I was a big fan of Mr. Chia’s system; it was my way to satisfy my then robust sex drive without having multiple partners. While I had great experiences using Mr. Chia’s system, I found that the texture of my sperm changed from tick to milky texture. I would release the sperm more frequently eachtime I noticed this change in my semen. This is one of the reasons I do not recommend this practice.

    ·My need for porn started when I viewed my first video as a small boy around seven or eight years old. This is what happens when you grow up in an environment without adequate parental supervision. You get introduced to adult entertainment by your older cousins who are in constant pursuit of women and you prematurely awaken sexual desires. These desires naturally awaken as the body matures, however, you basically become forced-ripe; placing an unripe or green fruit into a dark room speeds up the ripen process at the expense of decreased nutritional value.

    ·For the misinformed yogi, viewing pornography and masturbation is seen as simply a way to obtain pleasure without mixing with a woman. In fact, he or she views this as a harmless activity without spiritual consequences, but is this a valid conclusion? Are there spiritual consequences? Now, I think it necessary to define what I consider a yogi. A yogi is one who uses yoga as a vehicle for spiritual self-realization. In my view, yoga is the eight-limb system presented by Mahasaya Patanjali in his Yoga Sutras. Thus, a yogi’s yoga practice includes each limb sequentially: (1) yamas, (2) niyamas, (3) asana, (4) pranayama, (5) pratyahara, (6) dharana, (7) dhyana, and (8) samadhi. As you can see, asana is the third step and therefore one who has perfect asanas is not considered a yoga practitioner. He or she may be considered a yogi in the west, but this is not a yogi in the truest sense. One’s yoga practice must include all eight limbs to be considered a yogi since every great yogi agrees that the Sutras is a complete exposition on yoga. One must obtain a proper translation of the Sutras to truly unravel profundities that accompany each line. The next two acclaimed books would be the Bhagavad Gita and the Kundalini Hatha Yoga Pradipika. A suitable translation of each, preferable one by an advanced yoga practitioner and not a book yogi or academic, is a must have for any serious yogi. Yoga is a very deep and serious spiritual science and only an advance yogi/yogini can truly usher one along the yogic path. Many non-practitioners speak as if they are authorities on yoga; however, only a yogi is truly an authority on yoga since he or she has sufficient experience to guide one along the yogic path. I will question the awareness of any so-called advance practitioner who is busy seeking disciples; this is a dangerous pursuit and can lead one to spiritual ruin. A careful study of reincarnation will reveal the truth in what I write.

    ·Now, concluding that there are not spiritual consequences to viewing pornography and masturbating is incorrect. In the book Sexed You, Michael Beloved (Yogi Madvacharya) details his experience of the taking a body. According to Michael, the departed being seeking rebirth psychically influences his would-be parents to engage in sexual intercourse. We often conclude that our desire for sex is our creation, but I tend to ask why is it that you can have sex with someone and then ask yourself, “why the hell did I fuck this individual?”. Why is it that it sometimes feels like you are under a spell? The entity seeking a body then fuses/attaches to males’ sperm in hopes that he/she will become an embryo.

    ·Psychically, the viewing of pornography with the accompanying masturbation session frustrates departed ancestors seeking a body. Sperm and egg must meet for progeny and sexual intercourse is the traditional way for this process to occur. Reproduction is a construct of nature and is nature’s reason for sexual expression. We can see this with animals in that they only engage in sexual activity during certain periods. This can also be seen in the fact there is short window during the month for a woman to become pregnant. If this window is missed, then one must wait until for following month.   

    ·One must know the harm in masturbation and continually remind the self of this harm. This helps to create a new impression in the psyche. The breath infusion will help one accelerate as the focus on moving the energy up will decrease the urge for masturbation. Once more, one cannot do this with a deep desire for obtaining the sexual orgasmic experience, especially via viewing pornography. The weaning off process should include masturbation without the view of pornography. Mantak Chia’s process calls for masturbation without pornography…

    ·Above all, there must be a strong desire to break the habit. In my case, it became a habit when I artificially stimulated the genitals for an arousal so that I can engage in the act.  It is not always true that one masturbates only when one is naturally aroused! It could be that one zones into a previous sexual experience, a particular porno star, or the memory of seeing a sexually appealing individual to artificially stimulate the sexual desire. One must switch from this mental habit during the weaning off phase of the process.

    ·The yogi must see the physic abuse being placed on the actors in the pornographic videos. As the saying goes, thoughts are things and your desire to engage sexually with the porno star pulls that entity astrally. One must consider whether there’s a penalty for this psychically abusive action.

     We can agree that the penis is not always aroused, so examine the psyche when sex desire is absent sex and… The mind is very sensitive and one must study the psyche to examine the subtle movements. Who are what the sex desire since it is clear that the Atma is the observer and cannot be touched, hurt, burned and has no desire for anything.