Comment to 'Bots and Trols'
Comment to Bots and Trols

    Quote: "His friend and fellow politician Dmitry Medvedev is likely the return version of Nicholas 11."


    A return of Nicholas II as a friend but also a tool to perhaps one of the most advanced political geniuses of our times (I say)…


    Yet, the Chinese Xi-jingping is outdoing even that! Are we standing on the edge of the turning point in the developed world's next political direction? 





    "Mr. Xi's strongman style has been compared to that of the Russian president, Vladimir V. Putin. But even Mr. Putin, who has amassed considerable personal power, did not try to erase his country's constitutional limit on serving more than two consecutive terms as president as he approached that limit in 2008.


    Instead, he arranged for a close adviser with limited personal influence, Dmitri A. Medvedev, to serve as president for a single term while Mr. Putin held the post of prime minister. Mr. Putin then returned to the presidency in 2012, and is running this year for re-election to another term."