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  • Sensation Eating Explained


    The kundalini psychic mechanism is the generator of sensation in the psyche of a person who uses a material body and also in the psyche of a person who is deprived of the use of a material body and who only has an astral form.


    The factor or psychic component which gages these sensations is the buddhi intellect orb. From the point of view of digestion, the orb eats sensations of various types and spits out conclusions about the feelings in the form of information to the core-self about the value of the said operations.


    If you keep a horse in a field, you will become responsible to provide enough fodder for the animal if you want it to function at the best efficiency. Or you may release the horse so that it can wander at will and find food.


    If we want to control the buddhi intellect orb, we will have to give it sensations which make it inclined to serve us efficiently and constructively.

    Otherwise it will procure sensations willy nilly and these may or may not be in our interest.


    When done inSelf Yoga, the time comes when the student is burdened with the task of controlling the diet of the kundalini psychic life force. If this is done correctly, then the student will eventually influence the kind of sensations which the kundalini generates. This in turn will help to get the buddhi intellect orb reined in so that it acts less and less in ways which are counterproductive to the development of spiritual insight for the core-self.


    The ultimate sensation from a traditional point of view is sex pleasure experience but that is a nature-given, nature-generated affair which is designed to serve nature’s process. It is not specifically designed to serve the interest of the core-self.


    Since however it is a given by nature, it can be useful if we can study its creation and usage by nature. In sex experience, sensations are generated by the kundalini psychic life force but the buddhi intellect orb goes to the region of those pleasures and assesses the sensation. However it is forced to do so because of the compulsion energies which are generated by those sensation. This assessment is actually an eating process but it is not viewed as such because of a lack of the proper perspective by the core-self.


    The lesser pleasures, like say eating ice-cream or seeing beautiful appealing colors are also assessed by the buddhi intellect orb but because these are not as intense, they are not as acutely noticed.


    In either case, that of the intense or non-intense pleasures and sensations as well as the unwelcomed traumas, the yogi has it as a task to use any one of these or more than one of these to study how the analytical orb assessed these. When this is done sufficiently, one will see that it actually eats (ingests/devours) these sensations and then it gives the core-self its opinion in a forceful way.


    Because the orb eats sensations, the yogi must find a way to feed the orb otherwise it will not function correctly in helping the yogi to reach higher planes of existence.



    If this has not answered your questions, please rephrase it.