Comment to 'Intellectual Understanding vs. Direct Insight'
  • Beautiful post, Marcia.

    I face a very similar situation when I fully or partially suspend Kundalini and go into a dead body pose and vow to remain still.

    But after 30-40 minutes, slowly like a snake, I start twitching and then pressure builds till I yield in to get back to my daily routine.

    I have noticed all these pressure arising in citta (mind):

    1. Daily obligation weight
    2. Social/ peer pressure
      1. Cultural activity pressure
    3. Ancestral pressure
      1. to build wealth/ status or to serve one who builds wealth
      2. Relatives pressure to serve them
    4. Media pressure to follow or support some icon
      1. Identifying with one's clan, race, or nation itself is a burden
        1. Then one will be forced to support such icons of race or clan
        2. Such icons of race or clan have a providential right to demand your attention or space in Chitta.

    90 minutes of kundalini, yoga can withstand only 30-40 minutes of body stillness (forget the mind stillness, that's super difficult even for 10 seconds).


    One trick, I use to keep my body still is by keep changing the postures of meditation.

    1. In a dead man's pose, I can stay for 30-40 mins
      1. now, instead of giving up, I continue, my body wants a change. I give it in exchange of stillness
    2. I will change the posture to padmasana and be for 20 mins unitl body wants to change again
    3. Now, I will change the pose to the side dead man's pose for 10 mins
    4. Then, walk to the sofa, and lay there for 5 mins.
    5. That's how I trick the mind to keep the body still.

    It works decent enough so far until I find a sophisticated method.

    This is a body stillness response or method, not at chitta or mind's insight level. This is more basic, compared to your insight.