Comment to 'Family Life without Sexual Intercourse'
  • The very situation of family life without sexual intercourse is a sign of notable advancement. This is based on accumulated interaction with the material energy and then continued interest in development of the self in the subtle realm.


    I am forced to take a close look at the expressions and manifestations of the interest energy of the individual. These are always running concurrent to his or her desire or performance of kriya practices. It seems that so long as the self is existing in a particular medium, it has to resort to acting within environment, by impulsion.


    In this situation the developmental level accessed by dint of practice is allowing realization of personal proclivity in a certain way in the subtle world; this is identical to the process in the physical real. Even though there may be endeavor to care for and see to the higher welfare of associations, each individual member involved also carries their personal tendencies and will be prone to further development according to natural setting.


    All along the subtle associations and thanks to the clairvoyance depiction, the laws of universal attraction are clearly illustrated. It is also visible that this law is whimsical and transient, as observed from just one side. Another conclusion is that desires may be fulfilled in very alien settings and according to non-anthropomorphic norms. Where there is will there is way, so hopefully I will have the will for continuing forging the interest of the self concurrently to the realizations of the other desires when and where they cannot be eradicated, and must be gradually chipped away at, whatever the environment.