Comment to 'Himalayan salt crystal is Fake'
  • It is a valid video and I say this because of operating oscilloscopes and klystrons back around 1970. First of all one cannot see an ion with physical eyes. If one takes LSD one may see them because of the psychoactive changes in the subtle body.

    Thus anyone who claims anything for a product producing ions and who does not have scientific instructments which can detech frequencies and the oscillations in radio waves must either be in LSD or is just plain superstitious.

    The idea that salt can produce ions like that is crazy. Perhaps the light will do that because of the acceleration of the electrons in the filament but not the salt crystal. And to boot it is cloride or some other chemical which will leave the salt or be attracted to it when the salt is penetrated by the light waves.

    The energy from the filament is too weak to cause the salt to disintegrate or change in any meaningful way. And salt is such a basic earth mineral, that if there was a departure or adherence of ions, one would see a change in the color of the crystal or a breakdown of its structure. But definitely the machine would show it on the scope because the machine shows changed in electron behavior.