Comment to 'Obama: White Power in Black Face'
  • "Humans also seek each other—

    Father, mother, sister, brother—"

    Some good perspectives of the political landscape around the Obama election. But no matter your color, the job is to represent all US citizens according to the pre-established norms. Even though others built it, that residence is called the WH, and there is definitely a template to follow while occupying it.

    The tribalism is ever-present, but according to the time and environment, it can appear typically and particularly sophisticated, still, it will be deceitful to the downtrodden ones at the bottom of the social ladder, or the masses.

    From royalties and nobilities of all societies, a hierarchy is present, that is another form of tribalism, where the fractions are not depicted as tribes, all the same, and its motto is to live off the fat of others’ labor.

    The tendency is deep-rooted as indicated in the poem, this can concern a family name, a particular ethnic or racial group, a club, an exclusivity group, an organization or transnational alliances. Certainly it can also be seen as less socially advanced, yet it is the same strand throughout sentient material creation. Everyone has a place they are always reminded to watch.