Comment to 'Mental Registry in Yoga'

    Rebirth Package

    The Permanence of Memory Accounts

    That entire rebirth package is based practically on memories!

    The sum total of the sensorial data stratified within the subtle form. 

    And, those matter if their point of impact creates some memory imprints.

    Therefore these chittavrittis are fundamental in the yoga sutras of Shri Patanjali.

    Rebirth is an actual recall process, of the previous package nestled like Russian dolls.


    No practice or purificatory process can dissolve memory package(s) as they develop, 

    and expand from one moment to the other, as a coreSelf journeys within the existential supportive energy of creation.

    The concept of sensorial withdrawal indicates a modification or adjustment of the practitioners’ relationship to memories.

    All the way to the causal form and beyond, they persist, and they can reactivate and reflourish at any new opportunity to remanifest.