Comment to 'Conducting an interview '
  • Interesting post!

    Whenever there is a pressure in the work environment from internal or external stakeholders, I am one of the conduit thru which the karmic pressure (like water travelling in pipeline) travels.

    It is near impossible to escape without karmic or psychic bruises in psyche and it takes some time (weeks) to heal.

    Professional meetings and set up cannot be avoided for practicing yogi as part of their karmic package of that life and its impact on meditation is also heavy. Especially all the materialistic people meeting will intermingle with each other psyche and it is a challenge to shut down.

    Once in a meeting, I shut down the psyche by doing a pratyahara practice silently without anyone in the room noticing it but the peers repeatedly called me "Ani, listen! Ani, note it! Ani, do this, do that!!"

    I was surprised, these guys were subconsciously alerted that I shut down the access to my psyche and without full physical understanding by instinct they asked me like this "Open you Goddamn psyche, we need to exchange information with your psyche! I need to push some psychic data into your psyche that is vital to your project".

    The reason I shut down the psyche is I observed there is constant intermingle of everyone's psyche and I tried to shut down by protecting it.

    Absolute shutdown is not possible, the materialistic or spiritual oriented people, can easily find out when one shuts the psychic door and they will pound even harder till the door is opened or broken.

    If still not opened, they have gone to my superiors (cultural people like work boss, senior relatives, etc & spiritual teachers or even sub-deities who report to super deities) to open the door and release the pressure on the entity (ancestor, cultural or spiritual folks) which create a back pressure in the universe before it explodes by pressure buildup. I have opened the door by choice or forced upon.

    Absolute psychic isolation is not possible!

    Careful or proficient management is possible! That is where Karma Yoga from Bhagvat Gita comes into picture!