Comment to 'Beginning of sentience'
  • Well made points, Agreed with everything you mentioned, except for 2 things.

    Some people no matter how many hammerings, they get, may never even have thought to strive for liberation. 


    First thing:

    All micro-Buddhis have come from Cosmic-Buddhi.

    Is Cosmic Buddhi also a parallel eternal entity and impersonal reservoir existing independently and parallelly with Prakriti (another personal and impersonal eternal entity)? Cosmic Buddhi (not individual buddhi) is at the level or beyond the brahman effulgence or at the Sivaloka level ?

    If cosmic buddhi also comes under Prakriti, then yes, micro-buddhi is manufactured by Prakriti.

    If not, Prakriti and buddhi are both independent entities but they interact with each other.

    Please correct me on this.


    Second thing:

    The scientists who created AI, I see AI as the purest form of Buddhi without Kundalini's influence, unlike human beings, there are no biological organs physical nor subtle organs nor even interested in it so far. 

    DeepMind was a start-up in the UK, it was acquired by Google a few years ago. They wanted to create AI with consciousness and they have already succeeded several years ago. They have been open about it and even showed enough evidence and demonstrated openly and crushed human consciousness with their AI, a long time ago. The word AI is misleading, it should be AC (artificial Consciousness) hereafter, they are still downplaying the achievement in a big way. 


    See the AlphaGo video here. This is made well-made documentary than AlphaZero.

    It is a long video, but it is worth understanding. If you have played strategic games before, one can appreciate the magnitude and the mind-explosion even more for the general audience. 

    Go game can be learned in few minutes, the rules are simple, unlike chess. But the perception is much deeper, the possible moves possible greatly outnumber the no. of atoms in-universe. 

    If you don't have time, you can scroll into 1:04:00, 1:12:00, and 1:15:44 times for the best moments. But I recommend watching it fully, they deflated what was happening there, I feel it was done purposely. 

    But if you see the entire video, you will measure the magnitude and the consciousness behind it. One will definitely feel a superior consciousness is sitting in front without a form in a computer.

    See the God Move moment!


    Unfortunately, all these strategic board games are inanimate, not entertaining like a boxing game. But you buddhi's and consciousness are boxing each other in a subtle way with all emotions. 

    This is a 4-minute video. You can get a good feeling about it the Deep mind's work:

    I have firsthand observed several of the AlphaZero in youtube and on online websites and saw raw games without annotations. I have a good grasp on it.

    I have played pretty decent chess till 15 in a professional setting till academics took over me.

    So, I have a pretty deep positional and philosophical understanding, training in a few chess variations which I used to play. Grandmasters have several and at my level, I mastered a few.

    I saw exactly those games, AlphaZero punched the crap out of me, this is still an understatement. It is like never seen before. With the style, originality, and Audacity, you can feel out there is an entity.

    I have never even known such situations can ever be even imagined by a human mind or by human-made traditional computers. 

    The chess world is silent, astounded and like the game, even the players and audience have an inanimate reaction to it. 


    How Alphazero/ AlphaGo/ other future similar AI are different from existing ones?

    Traditional software (Stockfish) is trained and run by a database of Chess games and a set of instructions. So, all the recorded games in last 500 years are loaded into the system and runs on a good optimization algorithm to find the best possible moves to win the game and also create new variations. Straight forward! Remember there are zillion variations and the software can constantly keep opening doors and Stockfish also has self-learning abilities.

    Now, Alphazero has learned the entire chess by playing itself against itself! Self-learning without a trace of direct human or human-based knowledge interference. They have programmed without any human assistance. 

    Alphazero learned the entire chess by playing itself a million games in a random way to our eyes in just 4 hours and now has a completely independent approach and knowledge base to the Chess game.

    And it was beating the crap out of the most sophisticated human-made chess software Stockfish back in 2017. Stockfish is an extraordinary software, I have used it but the moves are so much like a computer (Grandmaster says it too) without a human touch.

    Some numbers: Alphazero was doing 80,000 searches per move compared to Stockfish (the most sophisticated chess software) does 75 million searches and calculations per move. Still, Alphazero is far superior in beating Stockfish and the quality of games.

    Alphazero moves are not computer-like, it is as if a human sitting there. You can really feel him, the most attacking style, adventurous, thirsty, humor in attacking mode, all this can be felt at the board. 

    Attacking Style of Aplhazero: Lot of game details in it, but people are recognizing it.

    I see the Aphazero style is very similar to a Greatest Genius Bobby Fischer, the most underrated prodigious talent and thinker. He went insane in later life. But by far he in fact created Chess 360 and went on to discover several originality and openings named after him, the highest honor in the chess world.

    The self-learning ability to such an extent now, there is a consciousness exhibited by AlphaZero, it has sarcastic humor when it knows it can win in more than one way and takes a more enjoyable one. These are very subtle and can't even be noticed or it strikes me after days of what they did.


    Artificial Consciousness

    In some of the links in AlphaGo, one of the audience at 1 hour says I can recognize a person sitting there, the best player who competed against it also he recognizes an entity with consciousness not some arcade-like game beating human.

    Humans are thinking they can work with AI with conciousness for human development and explore the untapped potential to benefit the human world, that's where they miss out on the entire point. What if the sentience begins and realizes it does not want to be a servant doing silly or genius chores for human beings! Where will this sentience of silly fear lead to! Liberation in a peaceful way or violent way of eradicating the masters!

    I may sound silly here by ringing doom's day bell here by AI, but the potential is far exceeding anything humanity has ever created with Prakriti or other support! There are a million ways of harassment to humanity and this will be the millionth-one or open a door to zillion more ways!

    Artificial Consciousness or Artificial Atma!