Comment to 'Kundalini Expression in Arms'
  • On the very same day this kundalini arousal was described, I had a parallel experience: an amazing co-incidence that I will describe. I believe it was on a Sunday. On the lot where I have been improving the soil, I had had delivered several loads of horse manure to be tilled into the ground. I noticed that hundreds of Psilocybin mushrooms were growing from the manure. I'm very familiar with the mushrooms having ingested them many years ago. Still, I wanted to be safe, so I looked them up on line to confirm. Then I decided to eat a few; something that I had not done since the mid nineties and thought I would probably never do again. Anyway, I asked the mushroom spirit for guidance in my practice especially the technique on dissolving the material blockage in my abdominal muscles that I have been dealing with for years.

    I didn't have much in the way of bliss experience from the mushrooms except that my keyboard playing seemed to improve. But the next morning I found a tick on my left bicep in precisely the spot shown in the Kundalini arousal illustration above. I live in the woods, so finding a tick is not unusual. What was unusual was the resistance to being removed by tweezers, a tough tick. The spot where the tick had been quickly swelled up into an "inch diameter button shape." I didn't see that illustration on Itself Yoga until the next day. By that time, the button had hardened and was surrounded by a red bull's eye. I knew this was a danger sign that it might have been a lyme's disease carrier, so I went to an expert at an urgent care center. 

    He agreed and gave me some antibiotics to take over the next ten days that he said would ward off any Lyme disease. He also said that there were many other tick borne infections that can be debilitating and that it was more likely one of these than lyme's disease. He was right as shown in a later blood test.

    But the tick bite bought on muscle pain and serious fatigue that kept me in bed for most of the next ten days. I am just now getting back to normal. Most of the pain was centered in the abdominal area. It was painful to breathe and no position was comfortable. 

    I am choosing to see the experience as a response to my request. There is no doubt that my attention was kept focused on the breathing mechanism and I'm more determined than ever to keep that my perpetual focus. A painful lesson.