Comment to 'Behavior'
Comment to Behavior
  • Aniroodh Sivaraman

    The lioness was in a playful mood with the jacket, perhaps wanting its human handler to play along as well. It may be that it was also attracted to the smell of the jacket, which is a human body odor.

    The handler discouraged the male lion which approached. He did so by raising the shoe where that reminded the male lion that it should not take control of the situation or apply any corrective actions unless those actions were in harmony with the will of the handler, which meant disciplining the lioness to release the jacket, to cease playing with it.

    The lion then changed its approach and decided to do what was needed to please the handler, which was to somehow cause the lioness to release the jacket. The lion took a severe action by viciously biting the lioness who then had to release the jacket.

    To see this in terms of Bhagavad Gita where one is supposed to see an atma or a primary coreSelf governing every life form, we can begin to understand what happened in this way.

    Person handler tries to get person lioness to release a jacket. Person lioness wants to play with person handler and does not release the jacket. This is noticed by three person lions. One of these come forward to settle the hassle. This person lion is reminded by person handler, through a raised shoe, that it should only act in the interest of the person handler.

    That person lion then corrects itself and recalculates that since its elder is person handler, it should do something to person lioness to make the lioness comply by releasing the jacket. Person lion then viciously bites person lioness which is forced to release the jacket.

    Somehow even though in terms of physical power and agility, person lion is greater than person handler, the handler established itself to the lion as being superior. That caused this strange behavior with the lions and lioness.

    • Okay, now I get the analogy. Thanks for bringing it to attention!

      Looking at how silly the 1 lb shoe effectively tames a 4 x 400 lb lion is interesting. 

      I have recorded a similar incident in the psyche: 

      At 0:33 s, When the male lion bites the female lion's back to let go of the jacket and help humans free up was factual and true.

      Human bodied person             →  Core-Self

      Male Lion Bodied Person        →  Buddhi/ Intellect

      Female Lion Bodied Person   →   Kundalini

      Shoe                                       →   Insult or Disciplining Energy

      Using one adjunct to fight against another fellow adjunct to free up core-self. It does work well. We call it Distraction! 

      When Core-self is playing tug of war with Kundalini against sexual or sensual pleasure, I have used buddhi to bite Kundalini's back by flashing harsh consequences or striking insult energy from core-self or from others to let go of the rope and make a core-self win.

      When adjuncts can conspire against core-self, they can also fight within themself. Core-self can also create mutiny among adjuncts and eventually weaken and conquer them.

      But, after the mutiny, the core self has to face a bigger enemy who has won the mutiny which is Buddhi!

      It is better to fight one on one fight vs one on many fight!

      I generally put Buddhi (male lion) against Kundalini (Female lion) to make a core-self win or tame Kundalini with insult or disciplining energy (shoe) or distract kundalini from gross to subtler things!

      0:38 s, in this approach when Kundalini (lioness) doesn't get what it wants, it will retaliate and throw tantrums at every adjunct and emit a disgust or unsatisfaction energy.

      0:45 s, Core-self (human) just rejected those and feels proud and happy of being let go by Kundalini (Lioness).

      0:58 s, Ultimately, Kundalini (lioness) goes back to rest again at her Muladhara base chakra (shade) with a long face waiting for the next oppurtunity.