Comment to 'Fleeing Responsibility'
  • Trauma is an mental or emotional state, how come it becomes a mere responsibility?

    • Aniroodh Sivaraman 

      It depends on the angle of vision and the relationship one has to the trauma energy. Up or Down, In or Out, the covering force is responsibility which is listed under the general term of dharma in Sanskrit. That is a complexity because any given circumstance is complicated, comprising of numerous energies and root sources, which cannot be sorted at this stage, due to root complexities.

      This information is not for small brains. It is best to leave it as it is, as a  huge above-the-head complexity.

      Some things just cannot be understood and it is an unnecessary violence to require of oneself a full comprehension of everything.

      This existence is not loaded with a full explanation of what it is. At least not for everyone to grasp it. We are not all equipped with cosmic intelligence. We should not require of ourselves that we digest everything about everything. And that itself is a source of happiness.

      Even in Bhagavad Gita when Lord Krishna mentioned the banyan tree as being similar to material nature, Krishna indicated that from this side of existence, this face of it, it cannot be understood. And that is just about the material nature as a cosmic spread. So that does not mean that we can grasp everything. It means that we have to come to a realization whereby we can recognize when something is beyond our perceptive and conceptual ranges and then we become happy, very happy, not sad about now knowing anything about it.

      Let my father worry about that, the boy said, why should I heat my brain about that. Let the old man fry his cells! I will enjoy life as I should instead.