Comment to 'Nature's Menstrual System'
  • Suryananda,

    Does that need to simply be accepted as a mandate from nature (not being up to the task)? Do lack self understanding and awareness that would permit intuiting the need to understand their female counterpart the main issue?


    For the above query, please restate it.


    How and why is understanding the difference with female key to their liberation? Could men also benefit from this elaboration, evolution or advancement in understanding of the other version of the human form?


    Since the female humans are an integral part of the creation, it is not possible to become liberated without appreciating them. It is not so much understanding them as it is appreciating them. But the understand facilitates the appreciation. Nearly every one of the male deities have female consort(s). One has to have the right attitude towards these consorts if one is to be compatible with the male deites.


    What are some differences between understanding women's internal functioning and some spiritual orders that foster harmonizing one's energies in order to make advancement, as it is helpful in overcoming identification with the form?


    Please restate this or break it into several other questions? These topic are difficult to sorts and understand.


    • With the restatement of the paragraph below along with the answer provided regarding the dieties, the answers I was looking for are mostly satisfied.


      I omitted/mistated 2 words in this paragraph:Does that need to simply be accepted as a mandate from nature (men not being up to the task)? Are the lack self understanding and awareness that would permit intuiting the need to understand their female counterpart the main issue?


      What are some differences between understanding women's internal functioning and some spiritual orders that foster harmonizing one's energies in order to make advancement, as it is helpful in overcoming identification with the form?

      Some orders believe the yin and yan need to become harmonized for liberation. Does that come to play here?

      • Suryananda

        The ying and yang concept is confusing but it is also presented in a simplistic way which is of little use in spiritual life.

        In nature we find that hostility is a recuring force. Disruption recurs. Chaos recurs. Physicists prove that the basis of this is entropy or disorder. Hence to say that order or balance must be everywhere is silly. Suppose you bring something to order, how long will you keep it there?

        Nature eats away at every arrangement humans make. Nature is relentless in this pursuit, to damage whatever is freshly created. We are resigned to disorder but we fight back for the time being, whenever nature has a slot in time, where it relaxes its hold on circumstances for chaos.

        Males cannot harmonize if they are not supported from within. But they can agree to realize their prejudice and hasty conclusions as being incorrect. That may not remove their innate feelings but in another part of the mind, they can decide to go against what their false intuition is telling them,