Comment to 'Nature's Menstrual System'
  • Madhva Wrote: These attitudes about women are hurting them more than ever and cause them to fail in the bid for liberation. Any way I got to accept that so far I failed in this effort to bring men to the understanding that women are different and are worthy of fresh research and an open mind.

    My Response: A wake up call!! I was raised by, and grew up primarily around women. It’s evident that my exposure to them didn’t transfer to my understanding and fully accepting their perception of life. Instead, I continue to demand that they see life the way I, a male, may perceive it. This is my attitude, eventhough there’s awareness that in various situations, they see things totally different. A failure on my part to assimilate the insights that yoga facilitates. Perhaps I need to “submit to the truths about women” and stop using myself “as the standard” etc. 

    Thanks for bringing this to our attention.