Comment to 'Gang Rapes in India'
  • Oh, okay. But not necessarily an inquiry, or a question to anyone in particular, just the usual pointing to issues around the world. 

    And, the illustration below indicates that the issue is widespread around the world: countries-with-highest-rape-cases/

    However, in India and Pakistan there seems to have been the added gruesomeness of burning the victims in a couple of recent cases, which made them particularly spread in the media (search Google).

    Also, in India there has been the tendency in some areas, perhaps rural, for some youngsters from higher class families to randomly rape any female of their choosing, and go unpunished, as justice will not burden a so called high born for a low caste female. This is according to at least one documentary I watched some time ago.

    The recent case of the ones unconscionably released form justice in India after a gang rape was because the victim was a Muslim girl. This is highlighting the concerns regarding Narendra Modi’s Hindu nationalist regime. And, there so much more to be said about that… 

    Beyond regional consideration, anywhere in the world where some particular (young) males can find the opportunity to rape as a mischievous frivolous activity, they are likely do it. Animals for the most part reproduce from just getting it on, where they are not naturally monogamous. And, as in the case of dolphins/killer whales gang rapes have been observed, purposefully overlooking reproductive cycles of the victim female counterpart.