Comment to 'Dalai Lama / Tibetan Greetings Conflict'
  • I saw the video of this on yesterday and the exchange appears sexual. A quick Google search revealed that a Dalai Lama is prohibited from sexual activity and this maybe yet another example of one’s inability the control the sexual impulse no matter the spiritual status (monk, priest, sannyasi, etc.).

    These spiritual personalities also have ancestors and the pressure to beget progeny is immense hence the homosexuality and the sexual molestation of young boys that is said to exist among these people. I can only imagine what their subtle bodies are doing on the astral. Best to just procreate or adopt a child and place the energy into raising that entity. Apparently, Uddhva is a very special entity!

    In all, I hope his display was indeed innocent, but his actions cause worldwide outrage and resentment which will affect him negatively. If innocent, this is yet another problem with association and exposure smh. If nature can put the Dalai Lama in this predicament then it is clear that no one is safe! Jai Shri Krishna!