Comment to 'Rebirth / Physicalness Desired'
  • Marcia, thank you for the candid follow-up. I agree that the subtle body is an impediment, but because I also consider the mind as a part of my subtle structure, I see the need to work through that body at this stage. And, as you stated there are various ways and means to progress.

    I can see how you are penetrating the mind, and I think that is very advanced. I also have a certain consideration for the physical form as a support that is directly connected to the subtle one, almost through osmosis. So I feel that my progression demands a detailed, gradual and slow advancement.

    I agree that the mind deserves a lot of our attention, it is an unusually vast domain to conceive with the thinking capability, and it gives realness to our emotions, as well as even interprets reality for us since it can also give us a sense of attachment. Upon death, the lack of a subtle body will make astral projection, and all things dream related immediately accessible. My design is to adjust my attitude or consciousness for that situation.

    I appreciated you stating: ”That is a problem because until we know the traps of the heart, and are aware of death as a constant companion,  all our philosophies and professions and even our practice, will only be scratching the surface  and not penetrating deeply.” I also believe that death is best seen as a pending event, one that will make the reality of the astral the main one. I see that my emotions, my feelings, realizations, and thought patterns are also part of the subtle body-mind complex.

    The subtle just like the mind is unseen but real. Once the physical body is set to disintegrate and recycle modes, I will be limited and totally immersed in the consciousness of that reality and as it relates to me. It is best just I see death as a passage, and prepare for it as much as I can. Because I may be stuck with that psychological content, I need to understand how to best deal with it.

    May all our paths have garlands of success!