Comment to 'Patanjali and Kundalini'
  • I published two commentaries on the Yoga Sutras under the titles of:


    Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

    Meditation Expertise


    For indirect references to kundalini by Patanjali, see these verses:

    Yoga Sutras 3.30-34

    Chapter 3

    Verse 30

    नाभिचक्रे कायव्यूहज्ञानम्॥३०॥

    nābhicakre kāyavyūhajñānam

    By complete restraint of the mento-emotional energy  in relation to the focusing on the navel energy-gyrating center,  the yogi gets knowledge about the layout of his body.


    Verse 31

    कण्ठकूपे क्षुत्पिपासानिवृत्तिः॥३१॥

    kaṇṭhakūpe kṣutpipāsā nivṛttiḥ

    By the complete restraint of the mento-emotional energy  in focusing on the gullet,  a yogi causes the suppression of hunger and thirst.


    Verse 32

    कूर्मनाड्यां स्थैर्यम्॥३२॥

    kūrmanāḍyāṃ sthairyam

    By the complete restraint of the mento-emotional energy  in focusing on the kurma nāi subtle nerve,  a yogi acquires steadiness of his psyche.


    Verse 33

    मूर्धज्योतिषि सिद्धदर्शनम्॥३३॥

    mūrdhajyotiṣi siddhadarśanam

    By the complete restraint of the mento-emotional energy  as it is focused  on the shining light in the head of the subtle body,  a yogi gets views of the perfected beings.


    Verse 34

    प्रातिभाद्वा सर्वम्॥३४॥

    prātibhād vā sarvam


    By complete restraint of the mento-emotional energy,  while focusing on the shining organ of divination  in the head of the subtle body,  the yogin is able to know all reality.