Comment to 'Hridaya Kriya (Heart Base) - 1'
  • Wow!  You are incredibly perceptive, Ani. Thanks for sharing your experience.   I am really impressed with your abiltity to both SEE and FEEL.  As for my work at the heart base, I have not investigated further.  I check now and again to see if there is any tension in the central heart base (sternum) which is where I did my work. It's been more than a year since I focused and busted up the energy knot there  and I have not had any reoccurrence.  For me, the work was done right at the sternum, in the bone, and at the heart lung complex.

    Technically, I don't regard any differences in location or description to be significant.  The important thing is finding blockages that are restricting spiritual advancement. Any information or help from another's experience can surely be a catalyst for transformation and purity. 

    You know where the location is for you! Now you can do the necessary maintenance. I find that experiences like mine (which pales in detail to your account) and yours are not ever forgotten.  I see them as guidepost events that lead the way  to freedom. They are a great confidence booster too.

    At this level, the practice is intuitive. One just needs to trust the practice and pay attention. Prana does lead the way.  Then we do our best to apply discernment and get the work done, using both body and mind.

    Good luck!