Comment to 'Controversial Post'
    • Sunil Vidyarthi Amazing how the same words are causing so much confusion thousands of years later. Btw words like deha, dharana, dhyana are still in use by many dervative languages of sanskrit.

    • Michael Beloved

      Michael Beloved Martin Gustavsson, I wish to confirm that non-action is also a type of action. In the West this is called an omission. For instance if a mechanic works on a vehicle and notices that an important bolt on the suspension is missing, and he takes no action to rectify that, his non-action or omission may result in the car owner's death.

      Many Indian Swamis tout non-action as if it is not productive of consequences and that is a shallow but very convenient way of looking at life. It assures some devotees (followers) that if they are detached, the matter ends there but this is another simplistic approach which sells easily to persons who do not think deeply and do not understand the long reach of material nature, of how it swings back at the individual in his or her future or future life.

    • Michael Beloved

      Michael Beloved Non-action is action. Actually there is more than one verse in the Bhagavad Gita which clarifies this. Arjuna was simultaneously encouraged not to act on his own behalf but to act as Krishna's agent and that was considered by Krishna to be Arjuna's detached (vairagya) action where the consequences were to be managed by Krishna as the Central Person in the Universal Form. Was that the actual situation?

    • varun ahlawat

      varun ahlawat Michael Beloved it is not Sanskrit vs English . Even in India many people don't know Sanskrit . Even people who are scholar in Sanskrit debate and it keeps going on and on . 
      It is not the who is right . It what is absolute. Absolute is changless , unborn , unending , eternal , deathless . That's why I said that which is changless can't be soul . Soul is not relative . But it's forms are . That is the mystery of life . What is death . Why is karam , if it is changless . That's the secret people looking for . What is death and why living . Who is playing with us . Are we slave . 
      Your problem is you think you know everything . But the truth is no one knows everything . We are all seekers , some finding life and some creating life . Some of us achieving and some contributing . Krishna want arjun to contribute - saying body dies but soul do not . And says Soul is immutable, changless, eternal .

    • varun ahlawat

      varun ahlawat Correction - It is ....... can't be souls

    • varun ahlawat

      varun ahlawat Martin Gustavsson non action is another word - that discussion never ends . 

      Non action is yogic way of life . It is detachment . Karam creates akaram (non- action ) and karam creates karam . Non action is not good karam . It is absolute . Because good and bad are relative . Many people interpreted it as not doing . Akarama takes you towards emptiness . Buddha settled mind is also this emptiness . The fundamental principle of Buddha teaching is independent origin - this Akaram is same as emptiness of Buddha . We called this shunya ( empty ) or absolute and we also called it full or wholeness . This shunya and full is same - the absolute . The smallest part of matter is not alone .Some say paanch mahabhooth ( five elements) Matter don't exist alone . It exists in forms . But soul exist alone . That is why Akarama. Mystery of life . In my post I wrote silence is 100% karam free . More precisely it is Dharam which is 100% Karam free . This 100% Karam free is because of karam creates akarama ( non action ) . Krishna Dharam is absolute . You and I are same but differ only because of form BUT we don't see it because we achieve more and contribute less . Offering is the way . The yogic way . 

    • Mia Munshi

      Mia Munshi Very well written Valun Ahlawat. Thank you for this sharing.

    • varun ahlawat

      varun ahlawat Mia Munshi thanks for your wise and lovely words . Regards

    • Michael Beloved

      Michael Beloved varun ahlawat, You are saying that I know everything and that is a problem. It may be for you because that is your opinion. If you check my posts at this site over the years you will find that I relate experiences I had during pranayama and meditation practice and I refer to standard text like the Gita and remain within the context of those text. You are sensitive about this because I pointed out your misappropriation of the Gita. That is understandable. No one likes to be corrected. It is always irritating. So it is natural to lash back. When it is convenient you say that books are nothing and when it is convenient you pull up books as evidence. This is inconsistent. So my critique of this is irritating. I understand.

    • varun ahlawat

      varun ahlawat Michael Beloved.whatever thanks for everything and all discussion we had . It was just awesome .

    • Michael Beloved

      Michael Beloved varun ahlawat, Nothing was meant as an insult to you personally and the seemingly aggressive responses which Raj hinted at were a matter of debate or public forum. I may be accused of being too candid and in a world of diplomats, it is likely that candid people will be arrested and deported.
      Remember when you cited a story about Valmiki? Were you annoyed because I asked