Comment to 'Controversial Post'

    • devaPriya Yogini ~ varun ahlawat Krishna in fact did say souls.

    • varun ahlawat

      varun ahlawat devaPriya Yogini ~Krishna soul is immovable , unborn , unending , eternal , unchangeable . There is no others . Know yourself .

    • Iwona Roslonek, MEcon, CMA CPA

      Iwona Roslonek, MEcon, CMA CPA The driver is our buddhi = our conscience. Living responsibly means being governed by love in every moment. Vegan in daily consumption. Friendly in our relationships. Caring about Mother Nature. Being in rapture with Life. Protecting Life. Life purpose is living. Manifesting Love. Oozing joy.

    • varun ahlawat

      varun ahlawat Iwona Roslonek, MEcon, CMA CPA beautiful words ....full of love . Slightly differ .......buddhi is rein (rope) - hold it with love .

    • Raj Kumar Dham

      Raj Kumar Dham I am fully enjoying this beautiful exchange of thoughts about Yoga Way .I have read the Yoga Way article written by devaPriya Yogini ~also it is beautiful.Both varun ahlawat and devaPriya Yogini ~are right as both are giving different perspective of Yoga Way.IwonaRoslonek has also added the third perspective .I congratulate all of them for joining this discussion on Yoga Way and sharing their wonderful thoughts .I request more people to join this discussion about Yoga Way.
      If we look at the concept of Panchkoshas ( five sheeths ) which is the central theme or concept in Yoga - Physical,Mental ,Energy ( Prana) ,Intellect ( vijayan) and Ananda ( bliss's) ;we get five prospectiv of Yoga making it a Whole .Yoga Way is based on this Five Koshas Philosophy . Through physical, Mental, Energy , Intellect we move to Ananda ( bliss) .

    • Michael Beloved

      Michael Beloved souls not soul - There is more than one atma according to the Gita. Some other text may say something else. Some other yogi or rishi may say something else but Gita does not say only one soul. Please stop warping the Gita. It is not necessary to use the Gita to support other ideas. Those other views can stand on their own premises and evidence.

    • Michael Beloved

      Michael Beloved śrībhagavānuvāca
      prajñāvādāṁśca bhāṣase 
      nānuśocanti paṇḍitāḥ (2.11)
      śrī-bhagavān — the Blessed Lord; uvāca — said; aśocyān — that which should be regretted; anvaśocas — mourned; tvaṁ — you; prajñāvādāṁś — intelligent statements; ca — and; bhāṣase — you express; gatāsūn — departed souls; agatāsūṁś — those not departed; ca — and; nānuśocanti = na — not + anuśocanti — mourn; paṇḍitāḥ — educated men
      The Blessed Lord said: You mourned for that which should not be regretted. And you expressed intelligent statements, but the educated persons mourn neither for the embodied or departed souls. (2.11)

    • Michael Beloved

      Michael Beloved Soul is singular when soul is being used as translation for atma or for jivatma. Krishna is a specific soul and so is Arjuna. They are eternally individuals:
      na tvevāhaṁ jātu nāsaṁ
      na tvaṁ neme janādhipāḥ 
      na caiva na bhaviṣyāmaḥ
      sarve vayamataḥ param (2.12)
      na — no; tv (tu) — in fact; eva — alone; aham — I; jātu — ever; na — not; āsam — I did exist; na — nor; tvaṁ — you; neme = na — nor + ime — these; jana-adhipāḥ — rulers of the people; na — not; caiva — and indeed; na — nor; bhaviṣyāmaḥ — we will exist; sarve — all; vayam — we; ataḥ - from now; param — onwards

      There was never a time when I did not exist, nor you nor these rulers of the people. Nor will we cease to exist from now onwards. (2.12)

    • varun ahlawat

      varun ahlawat In illusion we call souls . 
      As waves , foam, bubbles are not different from water . So the universe emanating from the self is not different from it . That is why you cannot coexist with God . You can exist only in his absence . Everything is incarnation of self . But intellectual loves to separate. They will separate because they compare . Soul is incomparable . Inseparable . You are the God ( atma) . Realize yourself

    • varun ahlawat

      varun ahlawat Existence is one . The body is the visible soul and the soul is the invisible body . In illusion we called souls .