Comment to 'Scientific American magazine : Finest Scientific writings'
  • Yes, that's precise.

    Everything is field based. Everything is an electromagnetic field. (Eg: visible Light, current, electrons, sub-atomic). On the surface, matter acts like particles, but behind or inside every so called particle (misnomer), it ultimately boils down to some form or combination of field dynamics. 

    So far the scientific world has proved certain types of fields like electromagnetic types that have counter effects on the physical world or that can be demonstrated in physical world labs. Once they unhinge from the physical reference and obsession to have a physical explanation for all abstract math or physical concepts, I am sure physics will unravel more abstract fields. Einstein has to present his abstract math and physics concept with a physical sense for the world to appreciate and accept them. 

    There are fields that are even subtler & subtler than electromagnetic fields, which cannot be sensed with current science tools. Those existences are there for sure and yogic methods can detect them, but science is yet to reach there.