Comment to 'Brain Dead'
Comment to Brain Dead
  • The kundalini has designed the body for its convenience which runs contrary to the interest of the self. Both physical and subtle bodies function according to the formatting of the life force.


    The core self through the intermediary of the sense of identity is able to access resulting influences of experiences based on the presentations of the intellect organ. These presentations are amassed from sensory and memory inputs. They all support the agenda of the life force which in turn uses attention energy from the core-self in order to pursue its activities.


    With the situation of a coma, the life force is still remaining in the body, and so the self has to also hang around in the same. But the condition of the body is such that there is no responsiveness to the sensory inputs. The subtle body is also implicated.


    The interest of the core-self is only manifest when it develops the capability to supervise the functioning of the adjuncts upon understanding the need to take accountability of the activities of the life-force, which it ultimately sponsors. When that is adequately accomplished, then the core self is objective to the realities that the life force and the material environment afford.


    A sufficiently energized and self-preserved core self is in a position to maintain objectivity even though the life force is engaged in maintaining the physical body on its own life support mechanisms. Therefore there wouldn’t be loss of consciousness based on self-awareness or objectivity.