Comment to 'Subtle Body / Double Occupancy'
  • In principle, according to the fundamentals of inSelf Yoga and whether one is approaching core self-neutrality penetration or grappling with its theoretical understanding, the core self is distinct to all things other, including the subtle and super subtle. Our thoughts globally considered are also forms filling the subtle dimensions like molecules of air in a container.


    Therefore my approach is to exercise from the outside in. I presume that all influences are like lint fibers that I pick up just from being in any environment. So by delicately tracing influences according to their resultant feelings, moods, and attitudes or thought patterns, I can see how they are different to me, but also what influences they represent and where or from whom they might have originated.


    In essence, this scheme is requiring coping out, and relinquishing proprietorship of said psychic influences. But their resultant changes based on the behaviors I adopt or my actions will be my responsibility as the user of the forms subtle and physical. It is not just a matter of knowing thy self, but meticulously deconstructing thy social self.


    One important aspect to behold is the level of intricacy of the subtle dimensions; physically during a pregnancy, it is easy to evaluate the situation. At term, we will see at least two distinct individuals, even though physically there was one only (visibly) prior to conception. Psychically, the influences of others, as well as those indirectly reaching through intermediary social selves, can be tedious to detect.


    For instance, it is only from observation over several years, that I can factually sense the declining pressures of my child on me, as well as those he was exerting based on the desires of others. On the psychic level, I make little to no difference between the entity and their representation in thought forms, it is like a breeze here as opposed to the gust of wind there and air in that area altogether. The parts and parcels are very similar to the whole in terms of their resultant interactions with others.   


    In some ways the microbiome in my digestive system is also influencing my psyche based on its maintenance; normally this is a fact that is unbeknownst to me even though according to Wikipedia they are estimated at about 100 trillion individuals. Similar is our existence within God’s mind, and our collective psychic energies also affect the actions of our supervising deities.


    A discombobulating part of the reasoning is the implication of the intellect organ; it falls short for not being adept at discriminating between thoughts or memories. For that matter regardless of their origins, they are displayed all the same and the self is mesmerized forevermore. There is no area of actual self-critic within the mind chamber(s), but there is an abundance of discrimination in terms of likes and dislikes. The energy submitted for that very natural instinctive act already implies resistance to disassociation of the self to the presentations coming from within and without.


    The dynamics of conception as explained by RishiDeva in Sex you! Book clarifies and demystifies procreation on the basis of subtle influences and interactions. And, ultimately, there come a time when the yogi must relinquish the sense of ownership (while maintaining responsibility) in order to deepen core-self-discovery. The Kundalini self-tantric canon is particularly advanced in expounding in that direction.


    Core neutrality won’t be contemplated prior to genuinely attempting to divorce from all deemed external energies to the self, such energies from all sources as well as one’s own to include past lives instinctual memory stocks; as they aim at claiming dominance over self. They are energies of psychic attacks and cooperation in the aim of attaining material and or subtle advantage or supremacy.   


    The practicing selves are not maintained within the creative material existence solely based on their own purview, but based on correspondence from the environment composed of the energies of all others who constitute an adhesive medium to be part and parcel of. It is also possible that such self is primarily present in the environment based on the prerogatives of other(s).


    Ultimately inSelf Yoga is by the unique and special mercy of Shri Guru allowing for the training geared at isolating self from the frontal theater, by taking refuge at the back of the mind field. Away from all subtle movements, the self may reassert itself in aloneness, and then it can take advantage of the association with the eternally benevolent naad supernatural sound vibration, acting as a conduit out and away after the long near unending wait.