Hello Michael. . .The question of the existence of a Self becomes philosophical, is a mental musing, to those who have not experienced the Absence of Objectivity.
All Objectivity is phenomenal, is illusion. illusion and appearance are all objective and are nothing more than thought-forms. The prime thought is the "I"-thought, without which other thoughts cannot exist for IT is their Source and raison-d'etre.
When one seeks the reality of this "I"-thought (Self, Ego, "I"-Concept, Subject, etc.) through invoking Self-Enquiry, he notices that such an "I"-thought resolves into its Source, which is called, "Universal Consciousness" and which is cognized as the non-verbal sense of Presence or "Pure" Being, "Pure" because bereft of Objectivity, and unfortunately called, "Subjectivity." It is this condition, here and now, that is referred to as "Self."
Sadly though, if this state of Consciousness is called "Subjectivity," it loses its subjective quality because "Subjectivity" is a noun and therefore does not describe its non-objective character. So, it would be happier, one muses, if "Non-Objectivity" is used in lieu of "Subjectivity?" And "Non-Objectivity" cannot cognize "Non-Objectivity."
Hello Michael. . .The question of the existence of a Self becomes philosophical, is a mental musing, to those who have not experienced the Absence of Objectivity.
All Objectivity is phenomenal, is illusion. illusion and appearance are all objective and are nothing more than thought-forms. The prime thought is the "I"-thought, without which other thoughts cannot exist for IT is their Source and raison-d'etre.
When one seeks the reality of this "I"-thought (Self, Ego, "I"-Concept, Subject, etc.) through invoking Self-Enquiry, he notices that such an "I"-thought resolves into its Source, which is called, "Universal Consciousness" and which is cognized as the non-verbal sense of Presence or "Pure" Being, "Pure" because bereft of Objectivity, and unfortunately called, "Subjectivity." It is this condition, here and now, that is referred to as "Self."
Sadly though, if this state of Consciousness is called "Subjectivity," it loses its subjective quality because "Subjectivity" is a noun and therefore does not describe its non-objective character. So, it would be happier, one muses, if "Non-Objectivity" is used in lieu of "Subjectivity?" And "Non-Objectivity" cannot cognize "Non-Objectivity."