With the Mystic visions, what are your observations on the subtle body when one consumes meat?
MiBeloved’s Response
Consumption of meat causes the energy of the subtle body to be on a lower vibration. Whatever we eat physically has a subtle counterpart. According to that energy, we are affected and behave in a specific way.
For instance, a predatory species like a lion sees a buffalo as food. To get that food it has to generate the energy to kill the buffalo because like the lion, the buffalo has an urge to protect itself by running away or inserting its horns and hoofs.
All the same the grass which the buffalo eat is defenseless and cannot run away. That grass must tolerate the cutting action of the buffalo’s teeth. The violence required to cut grass is much less than that required to kill a buffalo. Hence generally. the predatory species must exert greater power to acquire food.
Does eating meat rekindle some past karma and bring back the old addiction and tendencies?
MiBeloved’s Response
Anything done which was a behavior in a past life, will cause reinforcement of the past activity. This applies to any and everything. Why single out meat eating? Anything which was not done in a past life and which is completely a new activity, produces a memory track which will serve as a basis for an instinctual behavior in the future.
However, the real issue is not what a person does because after all in contract to this cosmic reality with its infinite range of behavioral patterns, an entity’s desire and willpower add up to very little.
The power is in the influences which one is subjected to as one transmigrates in the same species or in several species. If nature subjects someone to a lower behavior by placing that person in an environment where that lower habit is predominant, one will have to behave in a lower way.
By the grace of nature and with suggestions of great souls, one may get an opportunity to do something higher otherwise, one’s desire and willpower is really irrelevant.
inSelf Yoga™ is not concerned with making anyone a vegetarian or a vegan. Our concern is for people to understand that this is a game of selfishness, which means that everyone should do whatever is in the interest of the self. If eating flesh is that, then do it. If not then abandon it. We are not interested in hogtieing anyone to any behavior.
Nature is running this show. If she wants an individual to be a meat eater, what can anyone else do about it?