Comment to 'Kundalini Burst Downward'
  • During very beginning days when not even a single kundalini was rising, I read this below line from your books:

    "In the year of 1970, while I was in the Philippines, I found a book written by an India where he stated that he was alarmed by the conventional information about kundalini because it did not explain anything about front kundalini."

    Instantly, I said "Ya, I know this" by some instinct but never understood what I said it. Then, later on, when several kundalinis were rising, my instinct went back to that statement of that yogi in 1970, "ya, he was right".

    All my work on frontal and other kundalinis go back thru Madhva to that yogi who wrote that line. Those lines were impregnated with heavy potential for further advancements. 

    Several yogis also helped on the way, but that starting spark was from those 1970 lines by an unknown yogi relayed by Madhva. That yogi was not lying, all he said was truth.