Comment to 'Mass Hypnotist Passes'
  • Question is, has he entered into the kingdom of Jesus Christ?


    To be consistent with the New Testament, the question would be:


    Has he entered the kingdom of the father of Jesus Christ?


    This is because according to the scripture the kingdom of Jesus Christ is yet to be established on earth, when Jesus Christ is supposed to return to the earth and rule as the king of the earth at Jerusalem.

    In the meantime there is a heaven where Jesus’s father rules, as per the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. In such a heaven there are people like Jesus as sub-rulers and also leading angels, archangels and ordinary angels.


    Will Billy Graham go to the heaven of the father of Jesus?


    If we take Christianity at face value, then we would have to conclude that he did otherwise the whole protestant version of Christianity would be invalid. Its promises would be empty in delivering the faithful to the said heaven.



    My opinion about his destination does not take into account the Christian ideas but rather what I explained about birth and rebirth in my books especially in the book sex you!


    He is a moral leader and a charismatic overlord but one who is stuck in the material world. He will again take birth as somebody’s embryo and will again corral people but it may be in some other religion, could be Hindu, Islam or Buddhism or he might begin something afresh.

    He will be confronted by many Christians once he is stuck with just an astral body because they will explain to him that they accepted Jesus as the one and only savior as he said and still they did not go to heaven but found themselves in a dreamy astral existence hereafter and did not see the Glorious Christ as he said they would if they followed his advice.

    He will be baffled trying to explain his way out of this and will as a result become an astral recluse hiding from people so that he cannot be reached. After some time he will take rebirth with intentions not to do the same thing again.

    This also means that he will have to accept the reactions which are coming to him from material nature in his next birth. Such reactions are good and bad, positive and negative. For instance he will have tons of money flowing to him in his next birth. Everywhere he goes he will be known again and that will be a problem for him because it will mean that he has much responsibility and social involvement which on occasion will become a handicap for him.

    He will have serious problems with certain women in the astral world hereafter and also in the next life because he will find that their emotional energy is directed to him in a way whereby he cannot match it. For instance in this life, his influence caused many men to marry by Christian rites where such women hoped for romantic perfection and where they did not get that. These persons will seek him out astrally for explanations about what happened and also to find out why their vows panned out either during the earthly life or as soon as it was finished.


    He will also find that there is much energy from certain females who were attracted to him but who could not fulfill the attraction because of the moral restrictions in religion and society. He will be confronted astrally by their energy and will be in a fix on how to deal with it.