Comment to 'Cult of Parenting'
  • Very pertinent! This is indeed and truly an area of discombobulation for humans because we only set-up and scheme according to our myopic perspective and convenience.

    My reasoning focuses primarily on three individual aspects:

    1. Nature is the mother of the body.

    2. The Environment as an aspect of Nature is the actual parent, and provider for body as well as the molder its instincts.

    3. The care-takers can only be facilitators, at best.

    This schematic in my assessment stands, regardless of the particular body system evoked (gross, subtle or core-self enclosure ), also irrespective of the type body form utilized (whether animal or human); they only need sufficient advancement to organize.

    As mentioned in the original post, “human societies’ capabilities to institutionalize” promote misappropriation and confusion in proper credit attribution.

    Effectively, a bug is no less a parent than a human couple!

    For a living entity that is defined by the conventional configuration and limitations of a gross, subtle and causal body, reproduction is a mere role the core-self is subjugated to as part of its responsibilities, in each and every physical bodily cycle.