Comment to 'Death Notice or Existential Assignment?'
  • If the name is not given in these posts, it means that I have good reason not to mention it and the reliability of the post is based on my word. It is based on confidence that I am relating to the person in the proper way. The respect that I show to the person is the way to judge who it is. There are many astral gurus who do not release their names. Why? I never ask why because in the presence of that person there does not arise a need to ask the question. Suppose the question was asked and then the teacher disappears, then who gains? I do not gain and I could not share an instruction which I did not receive. So it is best to not ask questions of certain gurus but rather be trusting so that one acts as a needy student or as a humble child. This is all about doing whatever it takes to get ahead. If asking will deter advanced association, then it is not sensible to do it.


    There is a way to pass judgement and that is to see what my attitude to the person is and to follow suit. If you are following a scribe of the Emperor of China, and you are unfamiliar with the methods used in the Emperor’s count, then the best thing to do is to repeat whatever the scribe does. Best to assume that the scribe knows the protocol. If he bows you bow. If he stands up, you stand up.



    Regarding what you term as the requirement or demand. It may be informative that some of the yogis from the past who were assumed to have gone into the brahm or gone to a spiritual place or gone to nirvana, have in fact stayed in some higher astral dimension which is not the brahm or the nirvana or the spiritual place. But from those locations, those teachers are reaching the brahma, the nirvana or the spiritual place provided they continued their meditation practice.


    Some of these persons wanted to but could not reach the brahma, nirvana or spiritual place in full because of request made to them by a greater personality in the form of a yoga guru or deity.


    There is what is called a lineage guru. Some of these persons are using material bodies. Some use astral forms only with no physical body register. Some who are in the astral existence may remain there for several years or for several tens or thousands of years, according to the request of higher-ups for them to teach or be available for one reason or the other. It may be compared to guard duty. That is designed in such a way that if the next shift assignee does not show up, one has to remain there until someone does. One cannot leave even if the allotted time is served.


    Sometimes there is a request for someone to stay in an astral place. I was already requested by more than one kriya teacher to remain in a certain astral situation for consultation because the said teacher was leaving and wanted me to do guard duty. Because of the seniority of these persons, I comply with their requests.


    If anyone checks through my books, even if the person is my enemy, the person will realize that the information in those books is vital to spiritual development. This means that if I did not write them, then who would do it? And if no one could do it besides me, then what an omission that would be?


    It is not that I am the only person who could write that information because I am not the only person who could do it, but the point is that somebody should do it. It may be that that somebody at a particular time happens to be me. So what should I do? Refuse to do it because it sucked up my energy in having to take a material body in a bad way and be mistreated when I did that?


    So somebody has to do it and that can only happen if somebody complies with an instruction from a higher person. If we are not going to take instructions from higher persons then still we will take instructions but from whom? No one can live without taking instructions and accepting influences. It is only a matter of preference, where I prefer this person over this other person or this influence over this other one.


    When serving out a duty of that sorts, one does not know how long one will be there. Yes this is factual. And it implies that one will be partially in the astral existence. As for students that one had before one got the instruction, those persons will either remain as students and keep progressing or will become liberated and will pass to higher places than the place where one will be sitting it out as instructed.


    When I was in South Korea some ten or so years ago, I got an instruction from a Buddha deity to remain in the developed countries. That instruction is still being followed. I could have told him to go to hell because that instruction upset my plans for doing other things. But I did not. Instead I just said, yes, and from then one I abandoned other things and stayed in the developed countries. What happened to students who, I had in undeveloped countries. Anyone who was a student there could continue by using mails or some other means of communication. I cannot give people allowances and privileges which are beyond my means or beyond my actual power. I have people over me and the priority is to do whatever they need done. I cannot supersede their instructions and requests.


    Even if the students are left behind, that is okay because I am not in charge of this creation. I am not running this show. This was not build for my pleasure. If the divine cuts off a certain person, then that is just fine because the divine is accountable for this. I am only accountable to comply.


    Will I be vague when the replacement shows up? Well I do not think so but if I am vague then so be it. I would only do that if I am covered by my seniors not otherwise, not whimsically. The person who I am relieving was in that place for thousands of years. For that matter I remember seeing him there and talking to him a long long time ago, so I was surprised to see him now again and to remember that he was there. At first I was surprised to see him; that he was still there in the existential niche. And he has no resentment or hard feelings. He was jovial as before, like nothing changed.


    I had no idea that he would tell me to sit there. I was hoping that he would give me a specific method which I was developing and needed to bring to a finish. But he simply smiled and said what he said. Then I also realized even though I did not record it above, that way back some thousands of years ago, he knew then that I was to be the next agent and he knew that I would not come back for a long time, but it did not cause him to develop any odd feelings because of the time it would take for me to come back.



    Exactly where this guru would go next? That I do not know and dared not ask. The relationship with such persons is such that one does not ask questions. One has this faith that such a person would tell what needs to be told and would not hold back anything which is essentially, which one should really know.


    Imagine what it would be like, if an infant could speak at birth and it asked its mother what it was that it was suckling from her breast. The infant should have confidence that the mother has its best interest in mind. If that confidence is there how will the infant’s mind go into the question mode?


    Questioning that guru about this would be indirectly questioning the authority above him because he has an authority just as I accept him as one of my authorities. I would not want to be in relationship with him where I questioned why his authority would instruct him to do this or do that.



    Everything has meaning even the silliest of things, even what is not what a spiritual being may request. According to Patanjali the prakriti or subtle and psychic material energy has the big value of providing bhoga or varied experiences. Without these there is no chance that anyone here would desire to dig into spiritual sources.


    But once a person decides that the pleasant and unpleasant aspects of material nature is not worth his or her while, that person should shift allegiance to deities. What happens it that a person wants the material existence for its pleasant aspects only and then in the long terms one finds out that there is no such thing as pleasant aspects alone, that there are unpleasant features which must be endured as well and which one has to suffer through. Then one may find it advantageous to adhere to deities and to stop striving for the promise of the pleasant aspects here.


    There is a choice but it is choice between which influences to graft on to, either those of the material nature or that of a deity who can give one better shelter. It is a choice under influences not just a choice that is open-ended.



    Usually the as soon as the body is born, some of its time is cut. Then when the body goes through infancy because of the ignorance and neglect of the parents, some more time is cut off. Then again in youth and young adult because of the stupidity of the person some more time is cut. By the time the body reaches adult status and can raise a family, more time is cut because the ancestor then make their justified demands some of which become compulsions.


    Hence it is not possible to actually make full use of the time of the body. However whatever time is left should be used as conservatively as possible between social duty and spiritual realization.


    Usually when the body dies some things will not be completed because the situation of birth is structured whereby one cannot use up all the time efficiently. There is really no chance that I will do everything but I will do my best. The body has its own time machine in it, which will end it. One should be as efficient as one can be knowing fully well that one cannot control the time machine because it was preset for non-interference when the body was formed in the parental bodies of father and mother.


    There is a nice story in the Ramayana at the end of the book about the deity of death going to see Rama to tell Rama that there was no way Rama could remain on earth. Lakshman, a younger brother of Rama was there. He was told by the deity of death not to allow anyone to come into the room during the talk between Rama and the deity. Laksman agreed and stood outside the door. He was told before hand that if anyone would enter the room during the discourse, that person would surely die.


    Anyway it so happened that a yogi named Durvasa came there and requested to see Rama. Lakshman told him that it was no possible and that he would have to wait a while. But Durvasa replied that if Lakshman bared entry, Lakshman would die. Lakshman realized the seriousness of the situation because Durvasa had the power to kill people merely by saying some words. Then Lakshman went into the room, knowing that this would kill his body. That is how he met his end. So Death is not within human means to control. Even the people who commit suicide are not controlling their demise because they cannot know what will really happen if the attempt is successful.