Comment to 'Death Notice or Existential Assignment?'
  • Primarily three adjuncts are in the head of the subtle body:

    • intellect – buddhi-
    • sense of identity – ahankara
    • coreSelf – atma

    There are two other adjuncts which concern this. Those are in the psyche or subtle body but in the trunk of the form as contrasted to being in head as stated above.


    Those two other adjuncts are:

    • lifeForce – kundalini
    • memory – smrtih


    The lifeForce kundalini expresses an influence over the intellect and so does the memory. Therefore in a sense in higher meditation, we need not be concerned about these two because they are present indirectly through the intellect which they influence.


    That leaves us with three factors in the head of the subtle body which are the coreSelf and two adjuncts namely the intellect and the sense of identity. The identity is too subtle to deal with. The intellect is less subtle than the identity but it is difficult to perceive or grasp. However it has one habit which makes it easy to recognize and locate it, which is illustrative capacity where it illustrates ideas and images and memory impressions.


    Suppose you are in a pitch dark room with a black-grey mouse. You are scared of the mouse and in turn the mouse is scared of you. Hence when the mouse moves you cannot tell its location. However a mouse has one thing which is to your advantage, which is that it frequently make squeaky noises. Every time it makes a squeak, you can point its location. It is better yet, if the mouse is so scared of you that it freezes and does not move, then you will hear that squeak from one location only. You can definitely pin point it.


    To locate the intellect is easy because it has this one habit which is that it illustrates ideas, images and memories. Whenever it does that you can locate it. And to help you, mostly it does not move. It has a default position. Once you locate that you can act in reference to it.


    That leaves the coreSelf and the sense of identity which combined is identified as the observing iSelf. This is the object which should pull its energy into itself. This act will mean that being aware that the intellect is in a certain locating, and while hearing naad and being in touch with naad, the iSelf should pull itself back from being engaged or connected to the intellect.