Comment to 'Krishna's Appearance'
  • Is there an astral significance with respect to deity, does deity honor the Krishna Janmashtami?

    Not asking about the devotees singing and dancing astraly. 

    Or this is to be followed as token of remembrance of deity coming down to this plane?

    How should inself yoga members view or practice Krishna Janmashtami?

    • Aniroodh Sivaraman

      Janmashtami may be regarded as deliberate remembrance of Krishna coming down to this plane?

      inSelf yoga members may view the practice Krishna Janmashtami in two ways.

      • A festive occasion at the temple or in the home in appreciation of Krishna’s manifestation in this physical world. This may be done in a temple with many other devotees or in the home or hut with few devotees or when in isolation even.
      • As a yogi one should honor Krishna on a daily basis for many reasons, such as his gift of Bhagavad Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam. But that is one due to having experience of Krishna on a daily basis in meditation and also in routine life of remembering and practicing the requirements for liberation which are explained by Krishna.

      If a yogi lives in a temple environment or lives in an area where he is known to be a devotee who practices serious yoga as explained in Bhagavad Gita, he has an extra responsibility to participate in the festive occasion with devotees who are not yogis.

      If he is isolated even but if people within driving distance know that he is present, he will incur a fault if he does not actively participate in Janamashmi occasion in the festive way which is important for non-yogis.

      What would be the fault?

      That he fails to encourage them and share with them his advancement. He would incur faults if others follow his isolation superficially and do not attend temple programs which would benefit them because they are not as advanced to do successful isolation.