Comment to 'Mask or no Mask'
Comment to Mask or no Mask

    Erinn Earth - devaPriya Yogini 

    Just to be clear. Assuming we are close to the same age, you are saying that at around the age of 16 you were initiated into a branch of the masons. 

    In addition to this initiation, you currently have interactions with higher ranking brothers within the Freemasonic hierarchy.

    Dean's comment: I appreciate the compliment about my age. The answer is Yes. 

    So I must then ask, beyond your initiation, which was probably related to your parent(s) involvement in the organization in some way, how much did you study on the organization?  It's history, evolution and past and current practices?

    Dean's comment: Yes 

    I also must ask, have you approached any of these higher ranking brothers with my assertions? What exactly is their numerical rank and what were their answers?

    Dean's comment: No, because you have not provided any information backing any of your claims. 

    If the answer to these questions is no, Im afraid you'll be starting at square one with your studies. I am unable to direct such a feat considering the censorship of information.  It took me years of studying these occult clubs to get even a basic understanding of their ideals and practices.  Today, it would take  take an incredible amount of my personal time to dig up everything I ever read or watched regarding this branch of study to share with you regarding your questions on my claims - claims which I didn't make up but learned through study. Yet, there is still much to be found and available on the Tube and through articles.

    Dean's comment: You need not waste any energy reeducating me on the history. I was merely asking for evidence, if it's not available then fine. What I understand is...that if you have not been initiated into an organization that keeps its practice and rituals a secret. How can you be so fucking sure that you have read legitimate material?