Where is Krishna
A Little Krishna inspired poem.
Where is Krishna?!
Maya is very deep indeed.
However thru serving Sri guru , we get hints how to please his senses!
That little elusive personality, challenging the quality and quantity of my love.
I will find you!
Sri Guru has left me homework, I must quickly learn this.
In order to keep him satisfied, I try, no avail.
The home work! I gotta focus. No time for bs...
We are after pleasing his senses you see,
Bark your orders at me!
As I take it with glee!
I think the bite took place around 4-5 am...
no breath infusion and meditation today and for the past weeks...
tomorrow will be different.
i have been chanting a lot more than usual, that crazy Krishna mantra.
the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra. Magical Indeed!
here is the story -
As that moment came, the question was asked. Who’s senses will you serve, my own or his... Krishnas!!
after days of trying to offer something with love and surrendered devotion.
A guest (tay) that is staying with us un wrapped the last rolled up piece of beagle,
he did not notice at that moment, he raised it to his lips. I was there, I stopped him, I exclaimed, “stop!! Look!!!!” April (his wife also present). “Krishna took a bite!” clearly took a bite. Like a small child of one year. With his cute little teeth marks!! Oh my lord, we had a blast laughing and remembering Krishna and his mysterious ways. I stopped to think, what more can we offer him! So I took pictures and spread them around. Shared it with other devotees.
What got to me was this...the beagle....it had garlic in it!!!! The wonder?!?!
maybe he bit a part that did not have it? This is driving me nuts!
Hare Krishna!!