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When Will the Planet Be Too Hot For Humans?



A reply to David Wallace-Well's article: "The problem with your easy thoughts about the Earth recovers so fast is that we are also pretty smart about climbing on the backs of others. I remember a picture taken in a WW II German gas chamber, showing a pyramidal stack of human bodies going from the floor to a visible vent in the ceiling. The caption added that people there had climbed on the dying bodies of others to get their "last gasp of air" before they also died.


We will do the same thing here on Earth. In our last gasps to stay around, we will use our technology and science to climb onto the backs of all other life on this planet as the disasters we caused precipitate. This means that a few humans will find ways to climb onto the backs of anything and everything around them in a last, desperate effort to breathe just one more last breath. And life on Earth will suffer profoundly for it.


Some will still survive. So the picture isn't complete. But it isn't far from it, either.

We will either learn to control our population, and soon, or else. Given what I've lived through and see today, I'm betting on "or else." But I'd very much prefer that we learn."


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