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Tīrtha Series - 6a : ISKCON, Houston & 5 Senses Architecture

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August 19th, 2022, Houston, Texas

7 pm

This was a special day: Krishna Janmashtami (birthday day of Krishna). (Sanskrit: Janma- Birth, Ashtami-Eighth day Hindu in lunar Calendar). I visited ISKCON temple in Houston to check out the celebrations.

Grand and beautiful celebrations and decorations. I have been here few times before too, and the decorations are always beautiful and on this day, it was even special and splendid.

Here is the picture of Radha Krishna:



 Here is the video of the celebration going on:


 As you can see there was a bhajan group (religious songs or choir) next to me singing in microphone with big speakers. The little children (9-12 yrs) played exceptional dholak (2-headed hand drum) commonly played in temple festivals. He played dholak to every single beat, rhythm and change in tune, he increased and reduced the tempo of the song. Very delighted to watch his skill !


After seeing the temple decorations, I was bored just sitting there.

I tried intensely to mediate and do pratyahara (sensual withdrawal), usually I pull the energy into the atma. Not a greatest place to meditate especially when so much loud music is being played. I was failing, failing but giving shot again and again, the noise outside was blaring into my skull. Trying to take help from deity, and again trying and trying.

This was the sensual withdrawal practice, I was doing in front of Krishna Deity:

 1. The atma location inside the head:

This picture is critical in a sense because, all the sense orbs are located in this place of cross-section near-eye-region. Precision is important here, not near forehead, I saw it in eye section as shown below.

In forehead, I have the flash memory.



2. I practiced Pratyahara practice as shown in Madhva books (Meditation Pictorial). I redrew my practice here as I did in front of the deity. (Big Struggling with this was going on, too much crowd and loud music, other factors)


3. Then, Krishna deity showed the buddhi and 5 sense orbs for 3 seconds.

It was the first time, I have witnessed 5 sense orbs. I have seen buddhi before, mentioned in my old posts, but never have I ever thought I would see sense orbs. 

This is the architecture deity flashed inside my psyche, as if he illuminated or took me to that frequency to display these sense orbs.



4. Insight or expectation from the deity was to achieve sense control as mentioned in Bhagvad Gita (3.42), by showing the architecture of Buddhi and sense. So, when Madhva put those diagrams in the Gita, it was Deity's wish to have them there. All these diagrams are already there in Madhva's books. 


  • Precise location of Buddhi & 5 sense orbs
  • Precise location of 5 sense orbs was special because how touch, taste, smell be in the eye (below forehead) location because the organs like nose, tongue, etc are in different location
  • Psychic orbs of 5 sense are in the eye-forehead (that was counter-intuitive, special vision was granted to see)
  • How much mistakes happen when we only adhere to naked vision and accept what we see and hear is true!
  • If buddhi learns to interpret at that frequency directly with psychic sense orbs:
  • We can hear and read the distant message and unsaid layers in the reading and other forms of communication, I have actively done this with partial realization of its location. Now, full realization on the location has come.
  • Connection of Buddhi to 5 sense orbs was critical
  • How Buddhi and sense orbs are entangled is critical.
  • Keep senses under the control (3.42). 
  • Direct perception builds confidence
  • Now, practically converting confidence into actual results is another big challenge.

Bhagvad Gita: (3.42)

The ancient psychologists say that the senses are energetic, but in comparison to the senses, the mind is more energetic. In contrast to the mind, the intelligence is even more sensitive. But in reference, the spirit is most elevated. (3.42)



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