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Tools for inSelf Yoga Series- 8: Dress to be worn during practice

Even though they are analytical, some of the genres are interlinked. Eg: Nadi, Chakra, Kundalini, Higher conscious states → all are linked.

This is the master database of all Tools for the inSelf Yoga Series

November 1st, 2022

Houston, Texas

Dresses to be worn for practitioners living in society:

This is for breath infusion practitioners who live in the society (not for forest or isolated dwellers):

  1. Any loose and comfortable dress is enough.
  2. Avoid tight dresses during postures (asanas)
    1. the dress can over-tighten certain muscles and disturb the practice. The movement will also be constrained
  3. Avoid wearing yesterday's dress, always wear new pair of dresses
    1. old dresses can carry over yesterday's mixed materialistic energy and it can have a negative effect on practice.
    2. I have bought a bunch of 15 boxers or shorts, wear them every day and throw them for washing at the end of the day. Laundry is done every 1-2 weeks, the loop keeps going on. This makes a big difference in subtle side
  4. Loose shorts or full pants and a loose shirt is good
    1. I wear shorts and practice. Sometimes, I wear shirts, if people are around. 

Dresses worn while living in Forests or isolated places like caves/ mountains:

This is not to be followed when living inside a house or society with family members. This is put behind as a recording.

  1. No cloth on the body besides the loin cloth (loose on the genitals, not tight).
  2. blankets can be used during a cold if one has not yet developed resistance to the cold climates in isolated places
  3. Sleeps on the floor on a jute mat or blanket.
  4. Lives in a hut or in a cave near a river or water spring or creek in the mountains
    1. for daily maintenance, drinking, and hygiene using the nearby water
  5. Roams around like a wheel to fetch food in the forest and comes back to the hut and practices the given method day and night.
    1. Sometimes, while roaming around in the mountainous or jungle, the loin cloth might be slipped away or no food might be fetched, one shall still remain satisfied with what one gets on those days and continue practicing 
  6. A beautiful place to practice is next to the waterbody like a creek, river, or ocean. One shall extend the mat and happily practice right next to the river.
  7. One usually takes a dip in the river in the early morning and comes back to practice next to the river or right outside the hut.
  8. The hut will be good enough for only one person (20ft x 20ft). The hut will not have any rooms, it will have very small partitions of 2-3 ft. One corner area is for cooking with fire sticks and eating there. 
  9. There will be 1 or 2 mats, one mat for sleeping and another for practice. One can reuse the mat for both purposes. But usually, the place of sleep will be different from the place of practice. 
  10. The floors and walls plastered with cow dung are a sign of a high-end hut, it gives a good grounding and insulation like a carpet.
  11. In the evening after practice, one would be sitting outside the hut on the raised platform (as shown in the below picture, that small hut, outside sitting area), and enjoy the serene nature.



Loin cloths are used mainly by brahmacharis (celibate ascetics), not by family people (grihastha). One should take proper care when wearing loin cloth to avoid showing the naked body in front of people.

Pants vs Loin cloth:

One such recording is where I am leaving behind the results of an experiment. 

In one of the Invison series books, Swami Muktananda claims that full pants can hinder the subtle energy flow around the legs and he suggested wearing a loincloth. It was just a few lines written.

I asked Madhva and tried to open his mind if he thinks if that statement is true on what Swami Mukthanada said. I won't forget that day, he blasted me and shredded me into prices for trying to open his psyche and create a doubt energy, which could lead him to lose connection with Swami Nithyananda and Mukthananada. Ever since then, I don't ponder on such queries or asked him directly these kinds of doubt-inducing or credibility questions because the stakes are much higher for both the teacher and student of losing touch with their respective seniors and masters.   

I experimented on this topic: pants vs loin cloth issue, and I can declare on what Swami Muktananda stated about pants was absolutely true. With loin cloth, the uprisings are extraordinary. The surface kundalini on the legs can be seen more minutely in Loin cloth. I was raising several leg kundalinis at that point & whole body kundalinis at that time. And I was remote in my house without family members, nature gave me a month away from all my family members, I utilized it to my fullest.   

The pants close to the skin were hindering the surface flow of subtle energy and kundalini in the legs. Only the skin of the outer legs region was affected, inner volume was unhindered for kundalini flow. This is a minute observation. With the family and others around, loincloth is not a suitable option, as it can create resentment from others for overexposure.

Full pants or shorts are the best when one is living in a family setting in a society. 

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