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Tools for inSelf Yoga Series- 11: Mathematical Representation of Psychic Energy Management


November 5th, 2022

Houston, Texas

This is a sequel to Tools for inSelf Yoga Series- 10: Psychic Energy Management for Yogic & Obligatory Duties

In a previous post, the introduction to Psychic Energy Management for Yogic & Obligatory Duties was discussed, lets's delve deeper with some calculations.

The words "psyche" and "subtle body" are used interchangeably and they mean the same for my writings. 


Psyche Energy Management 

Efficiently managing the limited energy in the subtle body, one is endowed within a day or in one's life to efficiently perform both yogic & cultural obligatory acts.

Once, one manages the energy within a day, one gets insight into how to manage it over the long term.

3 Main factors:

  1. Subtle Energy Source (Quantity of Subtle source energy will be denoted by Esource)
    1. Quality & Quantity of Energy from
      1. Food (Nutrients) (Sattvic or Clarifying food)
      2. Breath Energy (Prana) using Breath infusion
      3. Direct subtle Sun Energy infusing the subtle body (rare)
        1. this is different from the indirect absorption of subtle sun energy from the food and in the air 
    2. Energy from
      1. Core-self or Individual's Atma (jivatma-limited entity)
      2. Paramatma - Unlimited entity (like Budha, Shiva, Krishna, etc)
  2. Subtle Energy Sink (leeches) (Quantity of Subtle source energy will be denoted by Esink)
    1. Self & Ancestral Desires
      1. Every desire carries weight and sucks a certain quantity of energy like a leech in the subtle body to keep itself alive over years or lives 
        1. The weight of the desire can be felt in the subtle body in the head or even in other body parts
        2. Unnecessary, stupid, or silly desires have to be quickly lived out if it is possible and when they are tiny in size.
      2. If the desire is fully conceived depending on the intensity and size, it has to be released in a safe controlled manner with the least damage to self and others.
      3. Energy calculation on how much these desires suck out the energy gives a good idea of the energy leak and helps in addressing the deficit and planning life efficiently for yogic pursuits.   
    2. Materialistic Association
      1. All materialistic associations by investing time to plan for partying and getting together will have a significant toll on yogic practice ranging from weeks to even months or years. Better to avoid such gatherings for yogic purposes unless it is a cultural or family obligation.
      2. The energy from the materialistic people's psyche has an involuntary subtle endless loop code to keep reinforcing the meetings again and again for this life and future lives.
      3. Both agreeable and disagreeable meetings have this subtle loop code of repetitive meetings, the same scenario will happen again and again even though it is a bitter and sour experience.
        1. already in previous lives, the meeting has happened that's why it is enforced now by nature and destiny
        2. When certain meetings take place in this life, I have seen the previous encounters with the same people in 3-12 past lives, that code is running again and again for several lives. Sometimes, material nature (Prakriti) moves around people just to make the meeting happen.
        3. It is better to avoid it if possible. If not face it, by understanding that there are going to be some emotional or mental scars or wounds reopened from a past life and try to escape with minimal damage if possible and try from opening more karmic seeds buried in the psyche of others. 
    3. Non–Yogic Habits
      1. Media, pornography, movies, gossip, music
      2. Sexual indulgence except for procreation purposes
      3. Overthinking, wasting precious thought energy
      4. Overworking both physical and mental sports/ games like soccer, and chess
        1. exhausts the physical and mental energy that is required for reading or practicing yogic material
  3. Subtle Energy remaining (ΔEsubtle body)
    1. The delta Δ symbol is a greek letter, it is widely used in the science community to represent any change of a variable or factor.  Here the ΔEsubtle body denotes the change of the subtle energy in the subtle body due to changes in Esource, and Esink values (they can change day to day due to several factors)
      1. ΔEsubtle body=  Esource -  Esink
  4. Subtle Energy Threshold for completing cultural & yogic duties (ΔETobligations)
    1. The superscript "T" in E denotes the threshold energy.
    2. The minimum subtle energy is needed in the subtle to perform the required cultural and yogic duties.
    3. This will be the threshold value, which means anything less than the threshold energy value means the individual cannot complete cultural and yogic duty and one had failed to comply Krishna's requirement or the respective family or social requirements
      1. ΔETobligations = Efamily duties +  Esocial duties+  E yogic duties


Now, lets us look into simple mathematical representation and calculations of the above-mentioned energy management:


ΔEsubtle body=  Esource -  Esink

ΔETobligations = Efamily duties +  Esocial duties+  E yogic duties

Symbols Defined:

  1. ΔEsubtle bodyThe subtle energy quantity remaining in the subtle body to execute the required functions
  2. EsourceThe subtle energy quantity supplied to the subtle body from sources like Core-self (atma), food, breath energy, etc
  3. EsinkThe subtle energy quantity drained from the subtle body thru sinks or leeches like media, non-yogic habits, desires, chattering mind, associations, etc.
  4. ΔETobligations → The minimum subtle energy in the subtle body to perform the required cultural and yogic duties.
  5. EsinkThe supplemental or added subtle energy quantity to the subtle body to compensate the energy deficit to perform the required duties Eg: Divine grace energy from Paramatmas or Cosmic Source


Case 1: Successful completion of cultural & yogic duties

ΔETobligations < ΔEsubtle body

The energy remaining in the subtle body is more than the threshold energy required to do the required cultural and yogic obligations, one is successfully equipped to complete both tasks.

Case 2: Impossible to complete the cultural & yogic duties (Most Common case)

ΔETobligations > ΔEsubtle body

The energy remaining in the subtle body is less than the threshold energy required to do the required cultural and yogic obligations, it is mathematically impossible or unrealistic to complete both tasks and one is set up for failure or living a fool's paradise believing he is already doing the tasks efficiently. 

This gives a reality check. This is the super common case and indication of poor management of one's resources.


Case 3: Barely enough to complete the cultural & yogic duties (Most common case)

ΔETobligations = ΔEsubtle body

This is the most common case in today's world.

The energy remaining in the subtle body barely meets the threshold energy requirements to do the required cultural and yogic obligations. Here the individual barely escapes by meeting the minimum requirements of his duty.

That's how fragile and limited the individual's (limited entity) energy levels are because the material nature (prakriti) can be taxing at times and sucks out all energy for cultural world.  

Case 4: The Divine energy to complete the cultural & yogic duties (Only by divine grace energy)

Cases 2 & 3 (as mentioned above) will be the most common cases.

Usually, the Case 2 situation is prevalent and is brought to Case 3 or Case 1 situation by divine grace energy.

ΔETobligations < = ΔEsubtle body + EDivine Energy 

(Divine Energy from Paramatmas or Cosmic Source to compensate the deficit)


Common Scenario & Importance

Mathematically shown how divine graces energy changes the balance of equations:

Case 2 → Case 4 → Case 3 or Case 1

Case 2: ΔETobligations >  ΔETobligations (Insufficient energy to finish duties) 

Case 4: ΔETobligations < = ΔEsubtle body + EDivine Energy (Divine Energy from Paramatmas or Cosmic Source)

Case 3: ΔETobligations = ΔEsubtle body (Barely enough energy to finish duties)

Case 1: ΔETobligations < ΔEsubtle body (More than enough energy to finish duties)





Even though they are analytical, some of the genres are interlinked. Eg: Nadi, Chakra, Kundalini, Higher conscious states → all are linked.

This is the master database of all Tools for the inSelf Yoga Series


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