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Tools for inSelf Yoga Series- 10: Psychic Energy Management for Yogic & Obligatory Duties

Even though they are analytical, some of the genres are interlinked. Eg: Nadi, Chakra, Kundalini, Higher conscious states → all are linked.

This is the master database of all Tools for the inSelf Yoga Series

November 5th, 2022

Houston, Texas

Need for Energy Management in the Psyche:

In a previous post on different types of cultural jobs, I discussed the physical, mental, and emotional needs of most jobs in general. A livelihood job is an obligatory act to serve the family and the cultural needs of a society, one has to act on how & where one is positioned in this cultural world. Krishna urges one to fulfill the obligatory duties unless he gives a waiver.

For both spiritual and cultural acts to be efficiently done over the long term, one has to streamline the day-to-day activities and an energy management software/ code in the psyche.

There will be some obstacles or surprises thrown in the way but one would manage to overcome them as one keeps moving in an efficient manner.

3 types of Energy need for cultural & yogic obligatory acts:

  1. Physical
    1. Labor
  2. Mental
    1. Thoughts, ideas, mental work
  3. Emotional
    1. Emotional bond, affection and sorrow.

They are analytical and independent but are also interdependent at the same time.



What is Energy Management within Psyche?

Efficiently managing the limited energy one is endowed within a day or in one's life to efficiently perform both yogic & cultural obligatory acts. Once, one manages the energy within a day, one gets insight into how to manage it over the long term.

Whenever the topic of energy management of any system comes into the engineering world, immediately we look at these 3 things:

  1. Energy Source
  2. Energy Sink
  3. Energy Required for intended system functions

That's all energy management is all about. These 3 things are enough to define and optimize the system's energy needs according to the intended functions.

In the same way, a psyche is also a system with a bunch of psychic components, we have to optimize the energy needs of these psychic components to efficiently execute our duties.


Here is a detailed explanation of Psychic Energy Management:

  1. Energy Source (All finite entities (jivatmas) need energy supply from infinite source (deities) or environment)
    1. For One's Cultural obligatory & spiritual duties  
      1. Individual Atma/ Core-self (Jiv-Atma/ limited being)
      2. Deities or Parmatmas (unlimited beings) like Buddha, Krishna, Shiva,etc
      3. Environments (Impersonal)of both Material (Prakriti) & Spiritual type (Cosmic energy source or levels)
    2. For materialistic missions or assignments empowered by astral people/ ancestors:
      1. Empowered by Astral energy from the party of ancestors or people with an agenda
        1. Eg: In Mahabharata, Duryodhana was empowered by a group of his ancestral force to start the war and finish the Pandavas.
        2. Also, we can see this in today's world in terms of party politics or corporate politics, how the astral energy from parties of people is taking over the opponents.
    3. For Spiritual missions or assignments empowered by the deity:
      1. Empowered by Astral energy from Deities or Paramatamas like Krishna, Shiva, Buddha, etc
        1. Eg: Several ascetics like Adi Shankara, Madhvacharya, Bodhidharma, etc were empowered by deities like Shiva, Krishna, Buddha, etc for their respective spiritual missions
  2. Energy Sink
    1. Self & Ancestral Desires
      1. Seeds of desire energies of self from several lives are stored in their subtle body and can play out involuntarily with the time and environment supports. One should take means to curb or prevent it, if not it can drain the individual's energy.
        1. Eg: In several lives desire for fame may not be activated but suddenly one day, the individual makes a random stupid act and he gets instantaneously famous for no reason. The subtle desire stored in the subtle body was activated by Prakriti ( Material nature) at her whim. 
        2. If one closely observes the underlying DNA of every clan's ancestor's desire, it simply boils down to:
          1. To rule certain terrain and over their and other ethnic people
          2. To earn in millions to dominate and acquire political power in their desired terrains
          3. To acquire fame and power to dominate or exterminate their opponents is always present
      2. Every desire to uplift their ethnic people or clan always ends up in dominating or attacking the other ethnic people or clans, because whenever they feel threatened the survival instinct kicks in to either destroy the threat or flee from the threat.
        1. They will choose to destroy first, if they lose, they will flee and again they will come back after several lives or decades to reattack and avenge their defeat. This loop goes on forever.
        2. The environment is programmed by the Dog-eats-Dog algorithm, every materialistic pursuit boils down to the dog-eat-dog conclusion.
        3. For yogic pursuits, one has to efficiently sidestep from the dog-eats-dog situation (if possible), do the best for ancestor upliftment to his limited strength in a righteous way, and move on with a self-spiritual upliftment mission.
    2. Materialistic Association
      1. This is the worst of all. All-time energy leeches.
      2. Apart from dealing with all the above-mentioned ancestral or party of people with agenda missions and energy, they get more complicated and entangled when associations happen.
      3. Whenever family/ person A & B meet, their ancestors always conspire or plan to collaborate for mutual benefit for their development to acquire money and power to dominate and leave a mark in this world.
        1. Even after successful mutual collaboration, if families A & B reached the top of the world, they will again try to kill each other if one perceives a threat even to the other's smallest desire. Again, back to square one, the dog-eats-dog situation comes back. 
        2. Psychically, one can see this self-talk happening like "Ok, this guy seems to have a lot of high-profile contacts, let's make a cordial connection with him who knows I may need his contact in the future to climb the ladders or for business reasons." This is the ancestor's desire.
        3. This line of thinking is nothing but the ancestor's push for domination by collaboration with other, For yogic people, one should side-step and spot such ancestor's conspiracies and laugh at their stupid and unrealistic proposals.
        4. And then, counteroffer the ancestors that I would help you achieve your goal by righteous and truthful means with the best of my limited capacity & resources and shut them up.
        5. Let the ancestors get annoyed for not heeding unrealistic or unrighteous proposals, they will release unsatisfactory energy in our psyche, but that is okay to handle than facing the bad consequence of their ill-motivated acts.
        6. This revelation should make yogic people run away even from the direction of materialistic groups, families, or crowds.
    3. Non–Yogic Habits
      1. Several bad non-yogic habits are present: bad eating, late-night eating, media influence, etc 
      2. Psyche has an inherent need for some form of physical or digital media or circus. (Ancestors also like this)
        1. TV Zapping or fast switching the media: It is the buddhi & sense of identity's classic behavior, one has to neutralize the sense of identity interest in zapping and jumping to different topics. 
  3. Energy Required for intended system functions
    1. An individual has a bare minimum of energy to take care of his reasonable cultural, family, societal and spiritual duties.
    2. Krishna says it is better to do one's duty imperfectly than to do another's perfect.
    3. So, before one jumps to save others and do their obligation, one has to calculate a realistic energy budget of the self. One can't suspend his duty and do another's duty, Krishna prohibits it. So, who is going to sponsor this psychic energy deficit in the grand mission of helping others or massive world-savior activities?
      1. If someone is already doing such world or ethnic savior activities without Paramatma's & Good deity's empowerment, one can easily spot or reasonably guess from where one gets this much excess energy apart from self.
      2. Either material Nature (Prakriti), Materilistic energy from their followers, and ancestors, or energy from mischievous spirits or deities (Dur-Devatas like Kali, and Dwapar) will be their sponsors. They mostly operate under the disguise of Paramatma or a Good deity's face value but one can spot it from their intensity of materialistic energy, actions, and long-term results of their followers. 
    4. This automatically puts one in a tight healthy spot and makes him understand that he is limited and only empowered to do his own job and duty, nothing more or less!
    5. This is a healthy constraint for self-improvement and indirectly contributes towards the world's and other's evolution and upliftment



Sensual Energy Withdrawal to avoid energy leeches:

Sensual Energy Withdrawal (Pratyahara) back into the Atma or Coreself from powering such ideas or plans from ancestors or self desires and preventing it from acting both physically and psychically. 

One can start with physical avoidance to energy-draining activities but curbing the subtle interest is an even bigger challenge. With practice, the psyche can be reconditioned to a great extent to completely delete or deactivate the interest in the subtle body. 

Eg: I don't eat meat, but my subtle body astrally chews (not eating) the meat and spit. Certain environments and ancestors like to pursue such habits. Tongue, Touch, and visual interest in regard to meat have to be dealt with in the subtle body.

The same applies to avoiding the association of people, one may avoid physical association, but the subtle body can still associate at the astral level, this has to be studied deeply and curbed in interest with those materialistic people. 



Benefits of Psychic Energy Management:

  1. Avoids Burn out
  2. Avoids one from a situation to skip obligatory or spiritual duties
  3. Gives an individual, insight into his own limits and capacity
    1. The individual will start appreciating or acknowledging the superior entity or environment beyond him on whole support he merely exists.
  4. Thinks realistically before taking new assignments or projects
  5. Give insight into the Energy sources, that empower one to perform duties
    1. Paramatmas or Cosmic Source
      1. → for Spiritual endeavor and duties
    2. Supernatural rulers & deities
      1. → for cultural duties
    3. Prakriti (Material Nature)
      1. → for the environmental support
  6. Give insight into the Energy sinks, that drain one from performing required duties
    1. Self & Ancestral Desires
      1. → pursuing unrealistic & whimsical desires of self and ancestors
    2. Non–Yogic Habits
      1. → media, unhealthy eating habits, chattering, etc
    3. Materialistic Association
      1. → this is the worst of all, the energy leak from such a non-yogic association will leak and pass on the materialistic desires and habits (including ancestor's desires) into the spiritual seeker's psyche and it can reactivate and rekindle all old materialistic habits. 
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