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Thank you Kripamayadas for sharing Anu GIta

Thank you Kripamayadas for sharing

On your shared Anu Gita segment that you read after your practice this morning, as communicated on your blog. 

From reading and introspecting on it:


Verse 14

दान व्रत ब्रह्मचयं यथोक्तव्रतधारणम्

दमोः प्रशान्तता चैव भूताना चानजकम्पनम्

dānaṁ vrataṁ brahmacaryaṁ yathoktavratadhāraṇam

damaḥ praśāntatā caiva bhūtānāṁ cānukampanam (3.14)


dānaṁ - contribution; vrataṁ - vow; brahmacaryaṁ - sexual isolation for attaining the spiritual plane; yathokta = yatha (according) + ukta (what was said); vrata – social rules; dhāraṇam – upholding, keeping; damaḥ - self control; praśāntatā – tranquility; caiva - and also; bhūtānāṁ - creatures; cānukampanam = ca (and) + anukampanam (social compassion)


Contributions, vows, sexual isolation for attaining the spiritual plane, keeping social rules according to traditions, sensual restraint, tranquility and social compassion to all creatures,


These are some aspects of the required lifestyle. It is a bit complicated but material nature has an enigmatic operation which can only be superseded by a complex mix of austerities.

162 Anu Gītā Explained


One has to be free from selfishness if one is to advance in the righteous lifestyle. One must be sensitive to take the slightest hint about giving to others, even items which one needs for oneself.



Certain vows should be taken in order to cause the self to adhere to certain restrictions and to develop resistance to habits which are detrimental to spiritual advancement. Vows may be abandoned from time to time, not whimsically but in order to adapt other vows which are more essential. Social vows which are designed to give one an elite status in a spiritual society should be avoided as these are counterproductive to psyche purification.


Sexual isolation for attaining the spiritual plane

Sexual isolation is necessary for all serious students of spiritual practice. The sexual energy is such that it acts as a counterweight to spiritual progress by keeping the affectionate energy of the self bound up either in begetting progeny or in enjoying sexual organs for pleasure sake.

As it is, the material body is designed for a downward flow of the hormonal energy to the reproductive organs. This means that nature does not sponsor the use of the hormonal energy for anything besides begetting and enjoying sexual pleasure. A special effort must be made to divert these energies up the spine into the brain in order to increase psychic perception. If the brain is starved for hormonal energy, it will be likely that a higher level of meditation will not be reached, because the subtle body will be drained by the gross form which will cause the subtle form to remain on a lower astral plane.


Suryannada P. adding:


So that hormonal energy acts as a purifier on the psyche, even some regular amount of availability of the energy in the psyche can afford for the dust not to settle.


That implies that as part of the process, the core-self will start to take note, this is a very concerning time for the adjuncts.


Instinctively, all wishes and desires of the life force seem under attack, as perceived through reasoning.


There will ensue a long and tedious sorting out and even more. The progress of it can be gauged by objectivity of what is taking place while perceiving in the subtle.


Now, the core-self sees what a fix it has found itself in! So the more it should want to hear from naad.


The real labor comes with the negotiations between the core-self and the mother board, and a supposed neutral arbitror, the intellect. Who really could just be referred to as just a so-called referee.



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