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Tīrtha Series - 8 : Vivekananda House, Chennai

12 January, 2022, Chennai, Tamil, Nadu, India

6 - 9 pm IST

This is a sequel to Tīrtha Series - 7 : Sri Parthasarathy temple, Chennai


Here is the link to Tirtha Series Master Database

After visiting Sri Parthasarathy temple (as described in above link), sudden thought came to visit Vivekananda house nearby too. It has been another 15 years, my wife has never seen it before, so got an excuse to take her there.

As we walked to the building, this is the view, look at picture of Swami Vivekananda!


Some History of the building:

The Vivekananda house was originally an Ice house (Ice manufacturing house) built by American Business man (actually Boston Tycoon), Fredric Tutor in 1842. And it was used for making ice for long time. Some history in the pictures below. After Vivekananda stayed there (much later), it became his heritage museum. 



Vivekananda Birthday & his presence:

The moment I entered, we were greeted by the staff with sweets and food, because it was January 12, Vivekananda 's birthday. We were the only 2 people in such a big building and later on 3-4 people came too. But no crowd on his birthday, that was a surprise. So, we went around, taking our own sweet time. 

Vivekananda energy was all pervasive in that premise. It was electrifying to walk there. Even my wife felt, certain current when we entered the Vivekananda house on this day. Every stair, brick and paintings were radiating his energy and it was exhilarating, that making even the next step was like a big task. Energy content was Rajas-Rajas-Sathva (Very Passionate - with Clarifying energy). Very passionate energy to develop the nation and bring back the lost glory.

Vivekananda's Invite:

A Vivekananda's subtle voice came from the top of the staircase, as we were going to the top floor. 

"Come with me,

Come, join me"

This message was repeated 2-3 times

The invite was actually to join him in "Nation building of India" Mission. (Astral message without voice, I could interpret it)

I politely declined, at this stage of my life, I am not in a situation to take this task and my spiritual gurus won't be happy if I enter into social upliftment.

I instantly sent the message back to him saying, " But, my guru (Madhva) won't be happy, sorry".

There are thousands of people with several notable great minds are working on this mission with Vivekananda's energy, so the mission is in great hands even without me. 

In certain pockets of India, Swami Vivekananda is like demigod, his energy is very powerful. I felt in Calcutta too when I visited. 


Some more nice pictures:

Vivekananda stayed here between February 6 to 15, 1897 for 10 days after visiting West.





Vivekananda's Lectures in West:



Beautiful decoration for his birthday with lights!






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