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Tīrtha Series - 4c: Sri Ramanasramam

Here is the link to Tirtha Series Master Database

Definition of tīrtha:

tirtha, (Sanskrit: “crossing” or “river ford”) in Hinduism, a holy river, mountain, or other place made sacred through association with a deity or saint.

taken from: https://www.britannica.com/topic/tirtha

Definition of Sacred:

  1. dedicated or set apart for the service or worship of a deitydevoted exclusively to one service or use (as of a person or purpose)
  2. worthy of religious venerationentitled to reverence and respect

taken from: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/sacred


December 18, 2021, Thiruvanamalai, Tamil Nadu, India

This is a direct sequel to Tīrtha Series - 4a: Astral Arunachaleshwara Temple & Who is Ramana? 

Wikipedia information on Arunachalesvara Temple. 

After the astral interaction with Ramana Maharishi and Nisargadatta Maharaj at Arunacheleshawa temple on Nov 25, 2021, I got to visit the Arunachaleshvara temple on the physical side and then went to the Sri Ramanashrama on December 18, 2022. 

Ramana used to meditate in the underground cave-like temple in the Sri Aunacehleshwara temple as shown below, he started moving around hiding in the caves of Arunachala Hill to avoid crowds and to do austerities.


Some writings from his followers say, that he used to cry when people gather around him from cave after the cave. At some point, he gave up hiding in caves, because no matter where he hides, Prakriti inspires the people to find out his hideout. Ramana in some writings by his followers and says later on, that he has certain responsibility and he gave in to finish the responsibility to give darshan (an opportunity to see him) to people, realising that hiding in caves is not going to solve the problem and he declares whether one likes or not Material Nature keeps going on & on and no individual force can stop it.

Sri Ramanashrama Center:

From 1922 to 1950, Ramana stayed here. One time he mentions to his fellow students, "I came and sat here, 1 hut was there. 1 hut became 2 huts and slowly, people started gathering and now it is like a big institutional center with food being served, brahmins singing Vedas and other priest ceremonies going around, and I am just observing everything that is going around me".

Ramana was not just holding silent vows, at times he was involved in helping his students build certain huts and used to help people in cutting vegetables and other things for food preparation. 

Here are some pictures of the Sri Ramanashrama:

As I entered, Ramana sent an astral message "Welcome" as I entered the gate. Several cell kundalini in my body and risings all over the body were experienced as I walked thru.




This is a good description of his first death experience at the age of 16. One of the things, he says he then realized he took birth to finish his penance and he left his home and took a train to Arunachala mountain to continue his penance from where he left in his previous birth.

There was a small lake or pond in front of the Arunacheleshwara temple, he threw away the following items into it at age of 16:

  1. a few coins and notes from his pocket (he took while leaving his home to board the train),
  2. the holy thread which he wore as part of the priest/ brahmin clan he took the body
  3. abandoned whatever clothes he wore and took a loin cloth

Thus, he said looking at the Arunacheleshwara (deity) altar "At Your command, I have come to You." and he never left the place. 


At the age of 21:



There were several people chanting, meditating, and doing several forms of austerities and modes of worship there.

At this place, where I sat behind the lady in an orange saree. There is a Ramana statue and so many people are circumambulating it (a usual custom in India).

Especially, there was a young brahmin boy in his 20s, circumambulating him Ramana statue in below picutre for several times, he was showing off his holy thread in the bare body and audibly chanting some mantras. Usually or always, Ramana prefers silence.

Ramana's Astral Message:

Ramana spoke these words to me in the Tamil Language:

"Manasa sutta vittutu,

enna suthi an enna priyojanam"

English Translation:

"When you let your mind go round and round

What is the point in going round and round over me"

This was a message specific to that brahmin boy who was determined to make several rounds around him (maybe 108).

When Ramana said this, he became sad for a second, sighed, and then he came back to his neutral mode quickly. The energy of his expression was felt.

He was sad about the people's ineffective sadhak or practice and how several unrelated customs were forced upon him.

When I walked around I saw several brahminical rituals and temple rituals being followed there. Ramana took a body in the brahmin family and the trust or center is run by his family members, so it was natural that the temple rituals are followed there. Ramana never followed those, he did extreme and mouni austerities (silence).

He was very mildly disgusted when I read the board that contained the daily rituals they practiced. Several brahmin women were proud, that he took a body from their clan and they were preaching about his glories to their friends, heard them as I walked around the center. 

I just walked away thinking how much Ramana would not like it and I could not bear such energy in my psyche and walked away. In my experience, he is not someone who reacts or responds to what people think or speak of him, he is always in super neutral mode even while interacting.

This was the first time, I saw him a little upset about the people circumambulating him, but quickly he came to a neutral expression. 

Apart from these things, the Ramanashrama is filled with Clarifying energy of Ramana (Sattvic) and he is sponsoring the sadhaks or practitioners who sit there to meditate. His energy and presence are strongly felt in several of those rooms in that house, he lives on the astral side of the house.  




Ramana's childhood image and other pictures of family and disciples




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