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Syllabus of Yoga Studies taken from Annamalai University, India

I was researching Dvaita philosophy and researching to see existent books. Many books are not in ebook format as they were written in the 1980s or before it.

One of the authors (Krishnacharya Thammannacharya Pandurangi and his ancestors) has written a number of books on the Dvaita philosophy and he received some honorific titles from the Oriental Department of Annamalai University. That led me to check if Annamalai University has some press, that publishes old books which are not in Amazon.

Annamalai University is a decent university in my home state, it was started in 1929 and it used to be great back in 1960s-70s, and slowly it relegated and lost all its luster as it failed to innovate with the modern time and still living in the old model. 

Here is the website, https://annamalaiuniversity.ac.in/index.php

This is how the university was in the 1950s-60s and it was a big deal to a third-world country's standards but in the 2020s, it is okay for the same standards.

Here is the website of Yoga Studies: https://annamalaiuniversity.ac.in/P04_info.php?dc=P04

It used to be called Oriental Studies, now it is renamed as Yoga Studies.

Here is the pdf of the Yoga Syllabus for their M.Sc Yoga (2 Year)

I should say I am very impressed with their syllabus.

Not sure how good the faculty and students coming out of the program but on paper, it looks amazing with the quality and breadth of in-depth yogic studies combining both scriptures and biology. 

Looks great on paper, not sure how it works when it hits the turf!

Pages 6-18 are great and then they deviate from Academic Yoga to Therapy or Treatment Yoga for physical and mental diseases. The modern influences of BKS Iyengar school and other health-related influences can be seen, that took the course towards exclusive therapeutic specialization.

But never the less, the person who drafted the syllabus from Pg 6-18, knows his stuff and was a serious researcher in Yoga. He knows the intricate differences and similarities between Patanjali Yoga Sutras, Hatha Yoga Prthipika (other text: Gheranda Samhita), and Thirumanthiram (Thirumoolar's text).

I have put some snapshots of the syllabus here that I found impressive and other subjects which are not my area of interest are left behind.

It gives a good feeling and basic footing on how to academically approach with some structure towards the vast subject of Yoga. 






Attached the pdf file here in the files section.


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