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Subtle Body Paradigm

Reaction to: Breath-Infusion-Lapse


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The value of having a physical body is that one can indirectly observe what is happening in the subtle form by a gross means of observation which is much easier than keeping track of the subtle form.


Unless one has developed keen psychic perception, the motions and inner workings of the subtle form cannot be observed hence the necessity to have a physical body to begin yoga practice in earnest. Ultimately however one has to abandon this help from the physical body and use only the psychic energies, the subtle stuffs.




Most Earthlings are just earthbound, in that sense we are not going anywhere above and beyond whatsoever. Occasionally after a lifetime of using an organic body, some entities transit to higher or lower astral dimensions. These movements are based on accumulated positive (pious) or negative (criminal) credits.


The accumulation of credits translates into impressions in the subtle body, so interdimensional movements are based on subtle form energy content. Once the credits are expired or expunged the entity is reimaged back into adjacent subtle realms to the organic mother Earth, where they join everyone else dimensionally.


For some this return to down to earth is begrudged, but it is a much-desired upgrade from the lower environments. Upon return to the earthly reality, the entities will now begin the affairs of reincarnation, under the operations of Nature and the impulses of their life forces. All other assumptions are mere fantasies and imaginations.


For yogis, it is fundamental to understand that only impetus that has been sufficiently actualized in order to cause some level of reform in the subtle body, or inclinations that have been profound enough can make a difference in the long-run. These modifications are only possible through the use of the organic body and its organs.


Therefore, objectivity in dream phase is essential to our endeavors. It is then that the effects of the practice are sufficiently rooted to allow one to proceed to further progress in the hereafter, should such astral projection be resultant of yogic impetus and aspirations.


There may be awareness of the subtle body just as there is of the physical body during its life, on account of the life force functions but this doesn’t imply understanding or much less control of it. That awareness of the subtle form is again lost in process of rebirth during gestation, as the life force redesign another body.


Having practiced using the senses to apply the core principles of hatha yoga including sensory observation, analysis and withdrawal, the yogi(ni) is able to maintain his or her activities in the hereafter. Ascension in terms inSelf Yoga is purely based on the elevation of the psychic organs.  








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