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Smallest Objects in Parallel Universes

Smallest objects in parallel universes


Reaction to kripamaya’s utube video: Seeing the Smallest Thing in the Universe


The scientists are part of a supportive community that is recognized and respected; most modern folks have total reliance and confidence in the scientific process, in addition the scientific curriculum is an integral part of the modern education process. True yogis are only recognized by one another.


Science does not have a monopoly on observing the smallest things. InSelf yoga also requires yogis to look for the smallest things. Both believe in objects small enough that they cannot be perceived by the naked eye.


In its approach sciences uses technological tools and instruments. The inSelf yogis make use of nature’s equipment of subtle tools in order to proceed. Both are able to look into scales of existence that are obviously functioning under different laws than everyday life.


They must develop sufficient familiarity within their field of observations in order to appreciate the quality and nature of the medium of visibility in order to make sense of what is before their sight organs. You may refer to the Required Components Diagram of Vision on the site banner (also see below).


Activities at these levels of observation require extreme amounts of energy of astronomical proportions, as in a particle collider. The yogis needs a very similar energy input in order to maintain the self in attention mode of higher realities.


Many different methods are offered, but some prove to be more adept than others. Individuals on both parts have to make it a personal business to be diligent in researching and advancing their path, as they further themselves and derive from past progress of others.


Science will have to ask certain relatively speculative questions and theories along its way. The inSelf yogis directly perceive into the conditions they ascend to just as when a person sees for the first time into their surrounds they don’t need to speculate on what they see. Should there be any confusion someone can just this is a grain of rice, as you have been eating.


She said maybe one day they will be able to measure the smallest distance in the universe. One day the inSelf yogi will become able to also directly perceive supernatural objects. Until then each significant step needs to be celebrated on both sides.


Acknowledging progress is important in order to mark one’s position in time, since the first steps as well as understanding what worked and what direction is beneficial and supportive of progress.


Required Components of Vision:




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